This is a Blog site created by Bob Reed (in Florida) for folks who live--or used to live--in Marcus, Iowa. Its purpose is to exchange notes, news, remembrances, and thoughts about life in and about Marcus, or news about one's family, friends or acquaintances.
Monday, June 30, 2008
July 2008 discussion
The latest and greatest thread for all the Marcus-o-philes.
Since Holy Name Church is the lead-in photo, I'll offer ...
1. Regina McLaughlin as the organist 2. Singing in the choir for every funeral Mass during the school year from grade five to eight 3. Playing with the little do-hicky that held the Mass books in place and either letting it go "by accident" so that it made a loud, satisfying, echoing bang OR pinching your fingers in it I have many more but I'd better get to work ...
Because some of you may not have scrolled down far enough to see the final comment for May-June by Kurt Dorr, here it is again. - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you love Iowa you will enjoy this video:
Where in Iowa is Jeff?
I loved the music by Joe Satriani. Make sure to watch it in High Quality if your internet speed supports it.
Regina McLaughlin! Wow, haven't thought of her in years. As a kid she just seemed like a nice little old lady that lived down the street. I hope we didn't terrorize her too much!!!
That video was great, Kurt. I also watched the original that it was patterned after. Amazing how some bizarre little idea gets someone to sponsor them to travel around the world for six months!
More Holy Name memories ...
4. Father O'Reilly's little black dog, Rasputin 5. school lunches in the basement 6. The whole school in church the day John Kennedy was killed
Marcus did an outstanding job re the fireworks display on Friday night but I am uncertain whether the town's was better or those that Tony Jenness and friends put on in their neighborhood.
As an older resident of the community it strikes me as odd that NO ONE in a leadership position within the community would put something in the local paper to remind us and keep us informed as to where exactly the fireworks display was going to be held and at what exact time. Remember we can't get around as fast as we once could and likewise we need all of the lead time we can get to prepare and get ourselves out to observe the WONDERFUL CELERATION. Can NO ONE get in touch with the Marcus News a few weeks ahead of time and put a nice piece in the paper to inform us as to what is going on.
This same message can be applied for the annual Marcus Fair. Would someone PLEASE start writing about what is going to be going on this year at the fair so we can make family plans now and get our matters in line so we can take part of as many of the wonderful activities as possible. For example when is the wonderful horse show that Nancy Heir and company are going to put on and is there more than one show? Will this great group of horsemen be in the parade and if so what time will the parade be held and what will the route be this year? What about the two wonderful young ladies that do the Irish Dance show? Will they be performing this year and if so where and what time? Has anyone ever thought to ask them to march in the parade so those of us that can't get out to the fair grounds to see them might have a chance to observe them in the parade? Bet they look wonderful in their gorgeous SHOW DRESSES and it isn't every day we have access to this in Marcus. For that matter are there any other dance groups in the area that the town should invite to be part of a show at the fair grounds or at the very least march in the parade?
Obviously no one at the paper is going to go out and get the information for us so someone please put it in the paper for all to read. Thelma does an outstanding job but has time constraints and God Bless her-Thelma is not quite as young as she once was. For that matter none of us are so don't take it personal Thelma.
Also, is there no one around this town who will organize some activities for our children/grandchildren to be part of on the 4th of July when they come home to visit us? I am so disappointed that my family had to go out of town on July 4th to be part of a parade and other activities instead of staying here in Marcus and enjoying the day locally. Come on young people this is your town now as us old people have done our part and our day has come and gone. We would love to still observe and watch you and the youth of this community enjoy the 4th of July right here in Marcus as it brings back many great memories of days gone by.
Plenty of space for all this. Get rid of hte awful full page pointless articles. Those of us who still buy it want local NEWS! There's a lot going on here and no one knows about it!
This last poster is dead on and it saddens me to think that our lovely town has so much going for it and yet no one at the paper wants to tell us about it. Thelma withstanding that is.
P.S. How about some nice pictures on the outside and inside of the GREAT NEW LOVELY addition to our wonderful school. Hats off to another great Marcus effort and now we have to tell people about it so we can get kids and their parents to move to our lovely town so we can keep the school open and alive!
One last thing re the paper. Since lots of young people around town don't know who Bob Reed is would you please list the names of who is who when you put the great article and pictures we anticipate you will do at the dedication of the Bob Reed Marcus Historical Society Building during the FAIR WEEKEND. This way when people ask who Bob Reed is they will now have a picture to place with his name!
Please, everyone, be aware that the old church building belonging to the Marcus Historical Society is NOT the BOB REED BUILDING! The building is the REED CENTER, so named in anticipation of creating other Centers [add YOUR family name]featuring different genres of artifacts. It is named in honor of Bob's parents, Carl and Hazel Reed, who contributed much to the community during their residency that spanned five decades, from the 1930s to Hazel's death in the 1970s.
Bob and I are contributing a plaque for the entryway of the Reed Center that describes Carl and Hazel, and includes their pictures. We plan to have it there for the Dedication on August 9.
Another Bob Reed is our son, whose on-line name is BariBob, and who is the Webmaster of this Blog.
The Fair schedule is always on the Marcus website.
As a reminder without volunteers nothing can be accomplished. So those of you, who want more activities on the 4th and at the fair get involved, share your vision for Marcus.
All due respect, but a lot of folks aren't computer-savvy enough to hunt out the Fair Schedule on a website. The local newspaper is a much more accessible site. Then, too, I've been told, on good authority, that the Westernaires are giving two performances and I could find mention of only one. Also, there is no mention of the Charades Reunion, and it, along with the Westernaires, is creating the most excited anticipation Ive seen in a long time. Like the earlier blogger, I would love to see the little girls who do the Irish Dance or perhaps they aren't coming this year. In any case, an event as special as the Marcus Fair deserves all possible open communication about it. Margaret Dorr
The wise older woman on Elm Street-who knows more and has done more for this town than most-knows what she is talking about. You would be well served to heed her wisdom and willingness to help promote our community which she has done for many years.
FOR INSTANCE: The pagent at the Marcus Centennial in 1976 was her creation---performed at the local high school and a resounding success--and it is a shame that no one since that time has taken the initiative to try to update that pagent and present it again....just for starters during the fair or on another appropriate occasion.
To not promote outside of Marcus- and to just use the old traditional ways of promoting-the fair and the Westernaires this year would be a huge disservice to Nancy Heir, her family, and those that have volunteered with both money and time to see that the Marcus Fair/community gets a treat of a lifetime. The Heline/Heir family is synonymous with the greatness of the Marcus community and the Westernaires are worthy of all of Northwest Iowa to know about thus the fair board needs to really communicate this special event if for no other reason than respect for the Heline family.
I trust the Fair Board will see to it that the "OLDER WOMAN" on Elm Street helps them write up a great piece for newspaper outlets (Cherokee-Sioux City-Sioux County) that will promote this exceptional treat we are all in for this August. It would be amazing to see the streets lined with hundreds of out of town guest to be able to share in this once in a lifetime treat and to benefit the merchants of Marcus as well as the fair itself while in town to watch the Westernaires!
We have a GREAT FAIR and a great fair board that gives so much to our community. Let's not be hesitant to promote it and show our Marcus PRIDE.
P.S. If you tap into the woman on Elm Street's gift of writing please do so more than one week before the fair. Timing is everything!
Sounds like the Marcus Fair needs some good old fashion PR. Hard for me to do the PR from Phoenix where I live, but here are some suggestions:
* Write a press release, with the full schedule of activities and get it out to all of the local newspapers, Cherokee, LeMars, Sioux City, etc. Also send this out to the local radio stations. * Develop a one-sheet media advisory to highlight the top 2-3 events and get this to the Sioux City and Sioux Falls TV stations. * Is there a fair spokesperson? If so, get them on local radio stations and the noon news on Sioux City TV to hype the events. * Develop talking points for the spokesperson(s), so the message is concise and everyone is sending and speaking the same messages.
I do all of the PR for the Harlem Globetrotters and could pull together all of the fax numbers and email addresses and contacts for the local media, but someone on the ground in Marcus needs to be the lead PR contact and spokesperson.
Again, I'm in Phoenix, but if I can help out, let me know.
Nice article on Marcus, Iowa in the July 9th issue of the Farm Bureau Spokesman.
You can download a copy of the PDF file via the link above and read it on your PC. I wouldn't print it out since it doesn't print well. I'd zoom in using your PDF reader to read the article.
When you click on the link it will take you to another page. Wait a minute for it open, when it does on the left side you will see a choice that says "click here to start download." Click on that. A window will pop up that will let you either download the file or open it. I use open. Once it's open you can still save it to your hard drive from within the Adobe Acrobat reader.
Well I think I'll throw my two-cents in about the fireworks and fair comments on here:
-The fireworks have been done in the same place at the same time for how long now? Why would it change? They aren't going to shoot them off in the day... Just being around town that night, and seeing all the people, it was quite evident that promoting wasn't needed. The folks who put on the show did the best they could with what they had. And if you can't get around in THIS TOWN any faster then what you used to, well that's a personal problem I suppose. As far as a newspaper piece, read on...
-Running one ad in one newspaper costs money. Hundreds. Now multiple ads in multiple papers? We're talking quite a bit of money now. Maybe some 'complainers' here can take the initiative?...
-If a fair is any good, people will come. Word of mouth is the best advertisement.
-I'm sure a complete schedule hasn't been drawn up yet...maybe? I'm not sure, but maybe publishing anything yet on what may happen at the fair, besides the usual, would be jumpin-the-gun.
-I don't believe the local paper is at all "awful". If you want things to change, take action, and get the majority with you.
-Is there a reason this so-called "wise older woman on Elm Street-who knows more and has done more for this town than most" isn't on the board? Seems like there is something deeper going on here, because why else would she be brought up? Just a thought by an 'outsider'...
Finally, I wonder what fair board members would think if what was posted here was brought up in front of them, to their faces, Instead of on this fine site by "anonymous" complainers. How can they defend themselves or explain? Hmmmm...
I look forward to a great fair this coming month!
Thanks! and Cheers!
P.S.: Isn't being anonymous on an internet site great?! :)
xpykaIf you will go to the Marcus website,, you will see a heading that says Marcus Fair. Then you can click on the schedule for this year. There are also some other headings where you can find information about the fair. You may find the information there that you want. Good luck!
Sorry if you think this is a site for complainers. It's not meant to be.
Call the newspaper if you want an event covered -- make community news a priority, list upcoming events, get student journalism interns to work during the summer. This is not complaining -- it's offering ways to keep community news fresh and vibrant and appealing.
The Marcus Fair has been doing just fine for more than 70 years -- I would hope it continues to be supported for many years to come. But what's wrong with asking for information about special activities and times and events in advance?
Just look at the crowds who attend! How many come home because the Marcus Fair is a tradition that still seems very special and real in a world of expensive theme parks and family activities. How many go to the Fair just to see people they haven't seen for years? It's become an annual homecoming event.
I thank any and all who've served as volunteers or are serving now -- Scout leaders, religious leaders, sports coaches, Fair boards. All volunteers know that there's always more work to be done and not enough time to do it. But most volunteers also get a charge out of being involved and seeing positive things happen -- and there are manygreat volunteers (past and present) in Marcus to thank for that.
No one's getting down on anyone here. No one's complaining. Maybe the air needs to be stirred up a little bit now and then.
P.S. I didn't know press releases cost money. I've been writing them for years. Local newspapers print articles about public events -- you don't have to pay for that.
I have no problem with anyone posting anonymously on this site. As long as it is done with grace, no libelous post, nor any vindicative comments, then I think anonymity can be a very powerful tool. Of course that requires good moderation, which I believe this site has.
Let me put it to you this way. In my business I have an anonymous comment box for both customers and employees. Sometimes I receive nasty comments, but I just throw those away (moderated). However, many times I learn very valuable things about my company, it's service (or lack thereof), my employees and other excellent tidbits. I'd be lost without my anonymous comment box. It's vastly improved my business.
I look at this blog as somewhat of an anonymous comment box IF you want to be anonymous. We all know Marcus is a small community and everyone knows everyone else. We all have our prejudices against others in town but on this site no one can use that against you.
The key I think is to have an open mind and use what people post here anonymously to make Marcus better. We all care about Marcus and want to see her continue to grow and be a nice place to live. Don't take things so personal and solicit ideas from this site.
After all it was someone from Marcus that moved away 40-50 years ago that had the foresight to start this blog. I think we can all learn a lot from each other. We just need to learn to think before we post and probably to develop a bit thicker skin in the process.
Now for my anonymous suggestion to the city of Marcus. I would like to suggest the city start a database of all residents and former residents with addresses and email addresses so organizations like the Fair could send an email blast to everyone and let them know what is going on. You could have people at the fair gates collecting email addresses from those that wish to share it. I know many folks that have moved away and still have fond memories of their little home town on the prairie and they might like to leave something in their will to benefit the town, school, fair, you name it.
The fireworks WERE fantastic this year. I was very impressed. However, for the comment that "they are at the same time and place every year", not so. At times, they've been held off til the fair in August. At times, they are the day/weekend before or after the 4th. They have been at the horse arena for the past few years, true. Something could have been put in the Marcus News, but whether it would have made it in with the correct information and no misspellings, well, that's a different story.
As for the Marcus News not being awful...this is obviously a matter of opinion, but I think most can agree that it isn't good. Forget the misspellings and poor grammar. Forget the "continued on page 4" only to find there is no continuation on page 4, nor is there continuation elsewhere in the paper. I would like to see stories that have something to do with Marcus, not stories reprinted from a 1920 edition of the Sioux City Journal. I can do without week after week of Mission Trips. Don't get me wrong-they're great and I don't mind the stories, but they get a little long. The paper could be 2 pages long and filled with actual "Marcus News" and I bet more people would subscribe.
I don't think people were "complaining" about the Marcus Fair. What was said is that there could be more promotion going on, which is true. Not everyone is willing or able to jump on the internet to check out the fair schedule. That's not disrespectufl to the Fair Board members in any way.
Honestly, I don't see how suggestions or ideas to make Marcus better are a bad thing, but to each his own.
Another suggestion. Is it possible to find a journalism student at ISU that might want to own a local paper and live in small town Iowa? Maybe the city could help some young man/woman with financing the purchase of the paper, better yet maybe the bank could spend a little of that cash it's sitting on and help out with the financing?
Don't mean to offend anyone but a thriving local newspaper can do wonders for a community. I know nothing about running a paper. Maybe the money just isn't there, I don't know, but it doesn't hurt to ask the questions and see if it can stimulate some creative thinking.
I've been told the current owners want to sell the paper. I could be all wet on this (you know how stories get started and grow, especially in small town America)so please forgive me if I have the story wrong about the paper being for sale.
Anonymous: If you are referring to the Farmer's State Bank financing the purchase of the newspaper to a young individual fresh out of college that will most likely never happen.
If you are referring to the Valley National Bank on the edge of town doing this then you might be on to something. This community is fortunate to have Carl Nelson living here as he has gotten more done around this town in his few short years of living here than most and that bank seems to be much more aggressive in financing the needs and desires of folks within this community than the older bank up town. Just the way I see it.
I feel like there is such negative comments on this blog about petty things about Marcus, if someone was to come to this town and read such negative statement, would you want to live here.
You should be happy that you have a wellknown fair, fireworks and a newspaper in your town. Sometown our size don't have any of those things.
We should praise those people that take on those jobs.
I love Marcus and would not like anyone downing any buisness or event, have you lately stopped and thanked a person or a business owner for being in your hometown.
I love living here and am glad we have some young and dynamic new blood around the town to keep Marcus growing and moving forward. Unfortunately we have had some tough years but as of late Marcus is really getting some neat things done. It is a mixture of new blood and some good leadership that has really helped Marcus turn the corner.
Keep up the good work people and note that as an old timer I thought Marcus wouldn't come back from the 1980 period so my hat is off to those who are really making things happen. Re negative comments. I don't see where that is evident in this thread but just some voicing there concerns and thots as to how Marcus can continue to improve from what I can tell.
Now if we can just fix RAILROAD STREET then I can go to my grave a happy camper!
Entry Day for Exhibit Buildings & Commercial Exhibits
Weigh-In for All Livestock 7:00 PM
Little Miss Marcus Fair Pageant
Babies On Parade
Induction of Hall of Fame Board Members
Induction of Rev. Samuelson Memorial Awards
FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 ALL DAY Woodcarver ALL AFTERNOON Smith Amusements & Kiddie Barn ALL AFTERNOON Jaycee Dunking Booth 9:00 AM Junior Carcass Hog Show - Hall of Progress 9:00 AM - NOON Judging in Exhibit Buildings 10:00 AM Swine Show - Hall of Progress 1:00 PM Lamb Show - Hall of Progress 2:00 PM Greased Pig Contest 3:30 - 6:30 PM Health & Safety Fair - Centennial Hall 5:00 - 7:00 PM Lions Club Pork Feed - North of Food Stand 6:00 PM Horse Game Classes (Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Team Sorting etc.) - Horse Arena 6:00 - 10:00 PM Bingo - North of Food Stand 6:30 PM Youth Parade - Hall of Progress 6:30 PM Local Tractor/Pickup Pull - North of Ball Field 7:30 PM Cash Drawing - Hall of Progress 8:00 PM Tami Hall - Hall of Progress
SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 ALL DAY Woodcarver ALL DAY Middle School Girl's Softball Tournament ALL AFTERNOON Smith Amusements & Kiddie Barn ALL AFTERNOON Jaycee Dunking Booth 7:00 AM
Registration for 5K and 1Mile Run/Walk at Shelterhouse 8:00 AM 5K Run/Walk Begins 8:05 AM 1Mile Run/Walk Begins 9:00 AM Beef Show - Hall of Progress 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Antique Farm Equipment Display - North of Ball Field 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM Farm Toy Show - Centennial Hall 1:00 PM Small Pet Show - North of Food Stand 4:00 PM Parade 5:00 PM Ride-In Motorcycle Show - Ball Field 5:00 PM
Open Car Show - Ball Field
(Sponsor: ABU BEKR Vintage Wheels) 6:00 PM Release All Livestock 6:00 - 10:00 PM Bingo - North of Food Stand 7:00 PM Open Horse Driving Competition - Horse Arena 7:30 PM Auction of Wood Carvings - Hall of Progress 8:00 PM Cash Drawing - Hall of Progress 8:00 PM Jeff Quinn - Hall of Progress TBA Westernaires
SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 ALL AFTERNOON Smith Amusements & Kiddie Barn ALL AFTERNOON Jaycee Dunking Booth 10:00 AM Mud Volleyball - West of the Church 10:00 AM Horse Show/Halter and Performance 10:30 AM Church Service - Hall of Progress 11:00 AM Marcus Fire Department Water Fights - Front of Pool NOON 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament (5th-10th Grades), All Season Arena 12:30 PM Cooking School - Hall of Progress 12:30 PM Kids Contests - Ball Field 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Kids Make It & Take It (Pre-K to 5th Grade) - Centennial Hall 2:30 - 8:00 PM Marcus Ministerial Association Gospel Music - Hall of Progress 2:30 PM Bike Give-Away - Centennial Hall 2:30 PM Pedal Power Pull - Centennial Hall 3:00 PM Antique Tractor Pull - North of Ball Field 5:00 - 6:30 PM Lions Club Beef Feed - North of Food Stand 6:00 - 10:00 PM Bingo - North of Food Stand 6:30 PM Free Ice Cream - North of Food Stand 7:30 PM Cash Drawing - Hall of Progress
For those of you that did not make it over to the Cherokee County Fair Friday night, you missed an excellent performance by Marcus native Tom Wurth. This young man is an extremely talented singer and performer.
The blog management does not endorse or vouch for the Fair Schedule submitted earlier by an anonymous poster. It is not attributed or verified. It may be accurate, but it may be an early draft, or it also may be mere opinion.
We invite the Marcus Fair organizers or officials to post properly attributed and dated information at any time
from Max Reed Please be aware of an omission in the Fair schedule, as posted anonymously here July 15.
We understand that the Dedication and Open House of the Reed Center of the Marcus Historical Society is scheduled immediately following the Parade on Saturday afternoon. Please try to attend. Max Reed
please see web site for Marcus fair schedule click on Marcus Fair schedule. This is where I got the schedule so it is not mere opinion. I am not part of the fair board but I enjoy the Marucs Fair. I was just trying to help those people that do not naviagate on the computer very well. I would hate to have anyone feel like they don't know what's going on during the GREAT MARCUS FAIR. Hope to see you all at the FAIR Aug. 7th - Aug. 10th. Kristi Ames
3rd Annual Marcus Fair 5k and 1 mile Run/Walk-2008 In memory of Michael Letsche (1993-2007)
The 5k and 1 mile run/walk is a fund raiser for the Marcettes, a local non-profit organization. All proceeds will be used for service projects in the Marcus and surrounding areas.
Date: August 9, 2008
Place: Marcus City Park/Swimming Pool – East side of Marcus Fair Grounds
Events: 5k run/walk and 1 mile run/walk (no divisions for walk)
Times: Registration/check in: starts at 7:00am, ends 7:55am 5k run/walk starts at 8:00am 1 mile run/walk starts at 8:05am
Entry Fee: Early registration before August 1 is $12 Registration August 2 to day of events is $15 Fruit and Water will be provided for all participants after the events
5k Runner Divisions: Age divisions for the 5k run are as follows: 5k Male 12 and under 13-18 5k Female 19-29 30-39 40-49 50 and older Awards: All participants will receive a T-shirt. If not pre-registered, shirts may be mailed at a later date. $25 cash will be awarded to each overall male and overall female winner of the 5k. A medal will be awarded to the winners of each division and a certificate will be awarded to the 2nd and 3rd place finishers of each division. No awards will be presented to the 1 mile runners/walkers.
Course: The courses are through and around the outer edge of the city of Marcus. They are generally flat with small inclines.
To Enter: Return registration form and entry fee to: Marcettes 5k and 1 mile run/walk Questions can be directed to: Sheila Guntren Sheila Guntren at 712/376-2522 Box 279 Email: Marcus, Iowa 51035
Printable registration is available at website: . Once on the website, go to Marcus Fair and then to the schedule of events. A link will be there to take you into the registration form. Make checks payable to Marcettes. No refunds. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Registration Form
5k Run/Walk 1 Mile Run/Walk (please circle either 5k or 1 Mile)
T-shirt size: (Circle one) Adult size: S M L XL or Youth size: L
For 5k runners/walkers: Male Female (circle one)
Age Division: (circle one): 12 and under 13-18 19-29 30-39 40-49 50 and older
The Marcettes will be hosting a 5k (3.1 mile) and a 1 mile walk/run at the Marcus Fair this year in memory of Michael Letsche. This is a fund raiser with all proceeds going to fund service projects and families in need within the Marcus and surrounding areas. The events are on August 9 with registration from 7-8am with the 5k beginning at 8am and 1 mile event beginning at 8:05am. All ages are encouraged to participate. All participants will receive a t-shirt and prizes will be awarded for winners of the 5k event. To get more details, go to Click on the Marcus Fair icon and then "schedule of events". Double click on the link attached to the 5k and 1 mile walk/run event. Or contact Sheila Guntren (712/376-2522 or for a registration form or to gain additional details about this event. Come on out and have some fun while supporting your community!! Thank you.
Have you ever thought about buying the Marcus News. Make sure you retain Thelma but otherwise it appears you have the makings to be a pretty good newspaper editor/owner. Make sure you give us great local stories, local picturesn and editorals from the editor "YOU" and I think you would be great. If you need a good writer to help out I bet you could get Julie Simpson to do some writing and send her articles out to you on a regular basis.
I don't know who said that, but my husband will kill me if I offer to do one more thing. I know Marcus has plenty of good writers out there.
I think the Marcus News just needs some TLC. After all, it is a community newspaper. It should serve the people it's written for -- it's all a big cycle and subscriptions tell the story. I've renewed my subscription -- keep local newspapers alive and let them know want you want!
Actually, my uncle took some amazing photos of an old abandoned house near Maryhill and if I can get him to drop in the address for his flicker site, I'd love it if someone could tell me more about this elegant old home ... and if it is still standing. The photos say more than words could ever say about inevitable change and loss.
Julie, I'm not running in the 5K!!! But I should, I need the exercise. It's for my 13 year old son. Unfortunately I can't keep up with him. But I will be there cheering you on!!!
Regarding the pictures of the old house. I am pretty sure I know exactly what house you are referring to. I have a bunch of pictures of it I took several years ago. I will upload them and then post a link to the pictures here. Once you view them tell me if it's the same house.
Is this the old home you were referring to Julie? It was several years ago that I took these pictures. The old barn was on the same site to the right of the home as I recall.
I noticed the detail above the front door. I thought I had a close up of the detail but I can't find it now. I don't know anything about the house though.
The Marcus News dated July 17th states there will be a printable registration form for the 5K run on the Marcus Fair section of the town's website. I looked but cannot find such a link. Can anyone please post the link to the printable registration form in this blog or at least point me in the right direction? I may have missed it but I cannot find the printable entry form.
Anonymous, I plan to do that, however, the Marcus News states the form is available online. If no one can find it online and they aren't aware of this site then they might not enter the race.
Furthermore I have attempted to email Sheila Guntren via the email address listed in the Marcus News and it has bounced back to me twice. Does anyone know the correct email address for Sheila?
Kurt, Sheila Guntren is on vacation this week. We are trying to get it downloaded to the Marcus Iowa web site under Marcus Fair but we are having problems. Sorry!
Ok, thanks Kristi. Appreciate the heads up. As far as Sheila goes, it wasn't that she wasn't responding. Her email address as printed in the Marcus News seems to be incorrect. Both times I emailed her it bounced back undeliverable. I don't think it was on my end but that is possible.
Looking forward to visiting your warm town.It seems it will be our pleasure to come and enjoy a small town hospitality and an appreciation of the talent we have to offer your fair guests
It's going to be great to come to Marcus and perform our Precision Mounted Drill for you folks.The Westernaires motto is Ride With Pride and we are going to ride into Marcus,Iowa and be proud to be part of your towns celebrations
Just heard the Marcus Chamber, MEDCO, and Mainstreet group are joining forces to become Marcus for Progress/Mainstreet Iowa. I'm sure this will be a positive thing for a wonderful community. I believe Marcus is one of only 36 communities in the state of Iowa that are recognized as Mainstreet Iowa communities. Well done Marcus!
I'm seeing advertisements placed around Marcus,and in other towns, featuring the Westernaires at the Marcus Fair. Looks like it will be a thrilling preformance. Can't wait to see them. Let's give these people a warm welcome when they arrive in our community. I understand this is their first performance in Iowa.
Thanks for the nice words you WESTERNAIRE posters.
Couple of thoughts: If you have never been told how much John Hissam's grandfather "Oscar Heline" meant to agriculture in this country and his role in it during the Great Depression make sure you inquire before you get to Marcus thus you can really appreciate the history of the Heline family within the Marcus community.
Likewise, make sure you don't try to stop the Freight Trains coming through Marcus out EAST of TOWN like John and Bill did back in the day. Those kind of tricks will most likely get you thrown in jail today!!!! Remember, do as John says and not as HE DO!
Can't wait to see you guys around town and your neat show! Safe travels to Marcus and know we are very excited and grateful you included Marcus in your SHOW PLANS for this season.
“Johnny Angel”, “One Fine Day”, “This Diamond Ring”, Anyone ?
For the better part of ten years, starting in the early ‘60’s, radio stations KOMA (Oklahoma City), KAAY (Little Rock), and WLS (Chicago) were the AM stations teens throughout the Midwest automatically dialed in at night when they jumped in a car or sat at home studying. Because of the regular airing of ads on those stations that highlighted upcoming weekend dances and the bands that would be playing there, just about every teen felt connected to every other teen from Texas to Canada. The night air was filled with excitement when those stations played favorite songs and you were able to find out where favorite bands were going to be playing a dance. It’s not surprising then, that in 1961 Marcus highschoolers, Mike Hoover, Chuck Nielsen and Mark Baumgartner decided to start their own band after hearing the latest rock tunes on their favorite 1000-watt clear channel radio station KOMA. Before long the guys recruited Jim Brownmiller, since his dad had an extra drum set, and later still, recruited Dick Nielsen who played rhythm guitar. Dick was old enough to drive, had his own car and had all the latest rock records. In fact, the guys all heard the latest songs while riding around in Dick’s car listening to KOMA so his addition was a natural. Initially the guys named themselves, “The Avengers.” They printed up posters and played their first dance in Granville, Iowa. Later they changed their name to “The Charades” because a group from Sutherland started using the name “Scavengers,” (“Avengers” with an SC?). Over the desires of the powers that be at the time, The Charades played their first Marcus Fair in the old shelter house in 1962. No one who was there will ever forget the night. The band took in $300, at a dollar a head, and hundreds more were watching from outside. The red, yellow and blue lights that lit up the stage were new and exciting. Hearing those popular songs ‘live’ was unforgettable. Everyone within hearing range wanted to dance. When midnight came it seemed like 9:00 pm to the attendees and no one wanted the night, let alone the show, to end. In 1964, Mark went to college and Denny Delaney was recruited to play bass. The Charades played many tours throughout Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota over a two year period. In 1965, they opened for the Everly Brothers at the Roof Garden at Okoboji, played n tour with Miss Iowa, and were in concert in Des Moines when the Dave Clark Five was in town. The first ‘reunion concert’ for The Charades was in 1989 at the Marcus Fair with an encore being held in 1990. Those concerts were fun for everybody in attendance and lots of old friends got to reconnect and enjoy the music. The class of ’68, which is celebrating it’s 40th reunion, would like to invite the community to The Charades’ second ‘reunion concert,’ to be held during the Marcus Fair, Friday, August 8, starting at 8:00 pm at the Grand Meadow Heritage Center. The dance will be held in the on-site barn with plenty of seating, space for dancing, light refreshments and handy parking. So when you’re done at the Fair, jump in the car and come on down and you just might hear, “The Harlem Shuffle, “He’s So Fine,” or “It’s My Party,” while catching up with some old friends. For all of you with family who live out of town be sure to pass this on to them. There’s nothing like a hot summer night in August spent with The Charades. Hope to see you there.
In the mid 60’s, when local Marcus band The Charades opened their show, the song they typically started with was “Johnny B. Goode.” This Friday night will be no exception. “Mustang Sally”, “Twist and Shout”, and “House of the Rising Sun,” will be included in the first set plus lots of memories and familiar faces.
The Charades will be performing at the Grand Meadow Heritage Center starting at 8:00 pm, at the invitation of the Marcus High School class of ’68 for our 40th reunion celebration. Everyone is invited to come down after the fair and join in the fun.
The second set will feature other local musicians who will jump up on stage and join in. A number have already agreed to participate and The Charades encourage anyone with an instrument to come on down and join in the evening’s fun.
The third set will be open to requests. Of course, if the guys don’t remember all the words you may hear some laughable lyrics. We’re all anxious to see how much they actually can recall from 40 years ago.
Throughout the evening lots of stories will be told of their beginnings in Marcus and time on the road. The guys want to give the audience a lot of fun during the evening, so in addition to the music there will be plenty of microphone time. If you know Chuck Nielsen, you know what we mean. In addition, there will be a table set up with some memorabilia on display like an original bumper stickers, “I Danced To The Charades,” early costumes, hair spray, and black and white ORIGINAL posters. A screen will be set up displaying lots of great pictures of those days in the mid-60’s.
Now if you missed Mike Hoover on national TV last week this is the time to come and get his autograph! Don’t wait any longer.
For all of you with family who will be driving into town, be sure to tell them about the concert and let them know that an entertaining evening of music and reminiscing will be had in Grand Meadow this Friday night, August 8, at 8:00 pm. Enjoy the fair and then come on down to Grand Meadow. Refreshments and drinks will be available for your late night snacking.
The Class of 1983 will be having their 25 year reunion on Saturday, August 9th, at the Marcus Golf Course. Friends of the Class are encouraged to stop by after 8:30 that evening.
I am reading this blog for the first time. This thing is insane!! All of you people need to find something better to do with your time. I see this sight as being very negative. If you think you can do any better with some of these things, I am sure the fairboard would welcome your help. They are a great group of people who work very hard to bring this community an outstanding fair for FREE!! That is not an easy task. These people have other jobs and families outside of their volunteering and some things may not get done as timely as they should, but they do what they can. You look around the area and tell me that you can find a better fair. I think these board members would take offense to these comments. If all of you know so much, meet with them face to face and share your concerns.
This fair promises to be one of the best. I hope all of you are not too busy finding fault with it and take some time to enjoy it.
Thanks Krisit for all of your input. I know you are a busy involved mom who loves the fair as much as we do.
First of all I was just going to type that this is probably the best year in a long time that I have seen as much coverage of the fair and the schedule of the fair doings put out in a timely and efficient manor via the Marcus News and the like. It appears that even though you think we are insane that someone is paying attention to the customer!
To all of those involved with the fair your efforts are greatly appreciated but remember many have gone on before you and done a marvlous job as well to make the FAIR what it is today. Thus you aren't the first volunteers involved with this "RODEO" so to speak.
Again, your efforts to provide timely information and details is greatly appreciated. Communication is an amazing thing and all of us INSANE folks appreciate your willingness to hear our suggestions and act upon them.
The Marcus Fair rivals any fair in Iowa and us old timers trust you young bucks will even dream bigger dreams than we did and make it even more spectacular for many generations of Marcus folks to come!
Suggestion to the FAIR BOARD, it would be awesome to see you envision a different layout re the carnival area and make it bigger so the young ones can have some new and different experiences. Why not give the carnival folks more land to the north and just behind the 3rd base dugout or go across the street to the WEST and put some neat rides over there? The carnival folks would surely love to make more money via more rides and the kids would have some new ventures to partake of.
P.S. See you at the fair if they can get all of us from the retirement center up there!
Since Holy Name Church is the lead-in photo, I'll offer ...
ReplyDelete1. Regina McLaughlin as the organist
2. Singing in the choir for every funeral Mass during the school year from grade five to eight
3. Playing with the little do-hicky that held the Mass books in place and either letting it go "by accident" so that it made a loud, satisfying, echoing bang OR pinching your fingers in it
I have many more but I'd better get to work ...
Because some of you may not have scrolled down far enough to see the final comment for May-June by Kurt Dorr, here it is again.
ReplyDelete- - - - - - - - - - - -
If you love Iowa you will enjoy this video:
Where in Iowa is Jeff?
I loved the music by Joe Satriani. Make sure to watch it in High Quality if your internet speed supports it.
June 30, 2008
Where in Iowa is Jeff?
ReplyDeleteHere is my post again with a clickable link. I think most Iowans will really enjoy the music and the locations in this video. I know I did.
Kurt Dorr
Regina McLaughlin! Wow, haven't thought of her in years. As a kid she just seemed like a nice little old lady that lived down the street. I hope we didn't terrorize her too much!!!
ReplyDeleteKurt Dorr
That video was great, Kurt. I also watched the original that it was patterned after. Amazing how some bizarre little idea gets someone to sponsor them to travel around the world for six months!
ReplyDeleteMore Holy Name memories ...
4. Father O'Reilly's little black dog, Rasputin
5. school lunches in the basement
6. The whole school in church the day John Kennedy was killed
Marcus did an outstanding job re the fireworks display on Friday night but I am uncertain whether the town's was better or those that Tony Jenness and friends put on in their neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteAs an older resident of the community it strikes me as odd that NO ONE in a leadership position within the community would put something in the local paper to remind us and keep us informed as to where exactly the fireworks display was going to be held and at what exact time. Remember we can't get around as fast as we once could and likewise we need all of the lead time we can get to prepare and get ourselves out to observe the WONDERFUL CELERATION. Can NO ONE get in touch with the Marcus News a few weeks ahead of time and put a nice piece in the paper to inform us as to what is going on.
This same message can be applied for the annual Marcus Fair. Would someone PLEASE start writing about what is going to be going on this year at the fair so we can make family plans now and get our matters in line so we can take part of as many of the wonderful activities as possible. For example when is the wonderful horse show that Nancy Heir and company are going to put on and is there more than one show? Will this great group of horsemen be in the parade and if so what time will the parade be held and what will the route be this year? What about the two wonderful young ladies that do the Irish Dance show? Will they be performing this year and if so where and what time? Has anyone ever thought to ask them to march in the parade so those of us that can't get out to the fair grounds to see them might have a chance to observe them in the parade? Bet they look wonderful in their gorgeous SHOW DRESSES and it isn't every day we have access to this in Marcus. For that matter are there any other dance groups in the area that the town should invite to be part of a show at the fair grounds or at the very least march in the parade?
Obviously no one at the paper is going to go out and get the information for us so someone please put it in the paper for all to read. Thelma does an outstanding job but has time constraints and God Bless her-Thelma is not quite as young as she once was. For that matter none of us are so don't take it personal Thelma.
Also, is there no one around this town who will organize some activities for our children/grandchildren to be part of on the 4th of July when they come home to visit us? I am so disappointed that my family had to go out of town on July 4th to be part of a parade and other activities instead of staying here in Marcus and enjoying the day locally. Come on young people this is your town now as us old people have done our part and our day has come and gone. We would love to still observe and watch you and the youth of this community enjoy the 4th of July right here in Marcus as it brings back many great memories of days gone by.
Plenty of space for all this. Get rid of hte awful full page pointless articles. Those of us who still buy it want local NEWS! There's a lot going on here and no one knows about it!
ReplyDeleteThis last poster is dead on and it saddens me to think that our lovely town has so much going for it and yet no one at the paper wants to tell us about it. Thelma withstanding that is.
ReplyDeleteP.S. How about some nice pictures on the outside and inside of the GREAT NEW LOVELY addition to our wonderful school. Hats off to another great Marcus effort and now we have to tell people about it so we can get kids and their parents to move to our lovely town so we can keep the school open and alive!
One last thing re the paper. Since lots of young people around town don't know who Bob Reed is would you please list the names of who is who when you put the great article and pictures we anticipate you will do at the dedication of the Bob Reed Marcus Historical Society Building during the FAIR WEEKEND. This way when people ask who Bob Reed is they will now have a picture to place with his name!
ReplyDeleteFrom Max Reed:
ReplyDeletePlease, everyone, be aware that the old church building belonging to the Marcus Historical Society is NOT the BOB REED BUILDING! The building is the REED CENTER, so named in anticipation of creating other Centers [add YOUR family name]featuring different genres of artifacts. It is named in honor of Bob's parents, Carl and Hazel Reed, who contributed much to the community during their residency that spanned five decades, from the 1930s to Hazel's death in the 1970s.
Bob and I are contributing a plaque for the entryway of the Reed Center that describes Carl and Hazel, and includes their pictures. We plan to have it there for the Dedication on August 9.
Another Bob Reed is our son, whose on-line name is BariBob, and who is the Webmaster of this Blog.
Max Reed
The Fair schedule is always on the Marcus website.
As a reminder without volunteers nothing can be accomplished. So those of you, who want more activities on the 4th and at the fair get involved, share your vision for Marcus.
All due respect, but a lot of folks aren't computer-savvy enough to hunt out the Fair Schedule on a website. The local newspaper is a much more accessible site. Then, too, I've been told, on good authority, that the Westernaires are giving two performances and I could find mention of only one. Also, there is no mention of the Charades Reunion, and it, along with the Westernaires, is creating the most excited anticipation Ive seen in a long time. Like the earlier blogger, I would love to see the little girls who do the Irish Dance or perhaps they aren't coming this year. In any case, an event as special as the Marcus Fair deserves all possible open communication about it.
ReplyDeleteMargaret Dorr
ReplyDeleteThe wise older woman on Elm Street-who knows more and has done more for this town than most-knows what she is talking about. You would be well served to heed her wisdom and willingness to help promote our community which she has done for many years.
The pagent at the Marcus Centennial in 1976 was her creation---performed at the local high school and a resounding success--and it is a shame that no one since that time has taken the initiative to try to update that pagent and present it again....just for starters during the fair or on another appropriate occasion.
To not promote outside of Marcus- and to just use the old traditional ways of promoting-the fair and the Westernaires this year would be a huge disservice to Nancy Heir, her family, and those that have volunteered with both money and time to see that the Marcus Fair/community gets a treat of a lifetime. The Heline/Heir family is synonymous with the greatness of the Marcus community and the Westernaires are worthy of all of Northwest Iowa to know about thus the fair board needs to really communicate this special event if for no other reason than respect for the Heline family.
I trust the Fair Board will see to it that the "OLDER WOMAN" on Elm Street helps them write up a great piece for newspaper outlets (Cherokee-Sioux City-Sioux County) that will promote this exceptional treat we are all in for this August. It would be amazing to see the streets lined with hundreds of out of town guest to be able to share in this once in a lifetime treat and to benefit the merchants of Marcus as well as the fair itself while in town to watch the Westernaires!
We have a GREAT FAIR and a great fair board that gives so much to our community. Let's not be hesitant to promote it and show our Marcus PRIDE.
P.S. If you tap into the woman on Elm Street's gift of writing please do so more than one week before the fair. Timing is everything!
The pagent was performed in 1971 not 1976.
ReplyDeleteSounds like the Marcus Fair needs some good old fashion PR. Hard for me to do the PR from Phoenix where I live, but here are some suggestions:
ReplyDelete* Write a press release, with the full schedule of activities and get it out to all of the local newspapers, Cherokee, LeMars, Sioux City, etc. Also send this out to the local radio stations.
* Develop a one-sheet media advisory to highlight the top 2-3 events and get this to the Sioux City and Sioux Falls TV stations.
* Is there a fair spokesperson? If so, get them on local radio stations and the noon news on Sioux City TV to hype the events.
* Develop talking points for the spokesperson(s), so the message is concise and everyone is sending and speaking the same messages.
I do all of the PR for the Harlem Globetrotters and could pull together all of the fax numbers and email addresses and contacts for the local media, but someone on the ground in Marcus needs to be the lead PR contact and spokesperson.
Again, I'm in Phoenix, but if I can help out, let me know.
Brett Meister
cell: 602-318-4627
Brett, that is way cool of an offer. I trust someone takes you up on it. This is what makes Marcus special.
ReplyDeleteI thought these were a thing of the past.
ReplyDeleteGrain Elevator Explosion in Alton
Kurt Dorr
Farm Bureau Spokesman
ReplyDeleteNice article on Marcus, Iowa in the July 9th issue of the Farm Bureau Spokesman.
You can download a copy of the PDF file via the link above and read it on your PC. I wouldn't print it out since it doesn't print well. I'd zoom in using your PDF reader to read the article.
Kurt Dorr
When you click on the link it will take you to another page. Wait a minute for it open, when it does on the left side you will see a choice that says "click here to start download." Click on that. A window will pop up that will let you either download the file or open it. I use open. Once it's open you can still save it to your hard drive from within the Adobe Acrobat reader.
Well I think I'll throw my two-cents in about the fireworks and fair comments on here:
ReplyDelete-The fireworks have been done in the same place at the same time for how long now? Why would it change? They aren't going to shoot them off in the day... Just being around town that night, and seeing all the people, it was quite evident that promoting wasn't needed. The folks who put on the show did the best they could with what they had. And if you can't get around in THIS TOWN any faster then what you used to, well that's a personal problem I suppose. As far as a newspaper piece, read on...
-Running one ad in one newspaper costs money. Hundreds. Now multiple ads in multiple papers? We're talking quite a bit of money now. Maybe some 'complainers' here can take the initiative?...
-If a fair is any good, people will come. Word of mouth is the best advertisement.
-I'm sure a complete schedule hasn't been drawn up yet...maybe? I'm not sure, but maybe publishing anything yet on what may happen at the fair, besides the usual, would be jumpin-the-gun.
-I don't believe the local paper is at all "awful". If you want things to change, take action, and get the majority with you.
-Is there a reason this so-called "wise older woman on Elm Street-who knows more and has done more for this town than most" isn't on the board? Seems like there is something deeper going on here, because why else would she be brought up? Just a thought by an 'outsider'...
Finally, I wonder what fair board members would think if what was posted here was brought up in front of them, to their faces, Instead of on this fine site by "anonymous" complainers. How can they defend themselves or explain? Hmmmm...
I look forward to a great fair this coming month!
Thanks! and Cheers!
P.S.: Isn't being anonymous on an internet site great?! :)
xpykaIf you will go to the Marcus website,, you will see a heading that says Marcus Fair. Then you can click on the schedule for this year. There are also some other headings where you can find information about the fair. You may find the information there that you want. Good luck!
ReplyDeletePat Ducommun
Sorry if you think this is a site for complainers. It's not meant to be.
ReplyDeleteCall the newspaper if you want an event covered -- make community news a priority, list upcoming events, get student journalism interns to work during the summer. This is not complaining -- it's offering ways to keep community news fresh and vibrant and appealing.
The Marcus Fair has been doing just fine for more than 70 years -- I would hope it continues to be supported for many years to come. But what's wrong with asking for information about special activities and times and events in advance?
Just look at the crowds who attend! How many come home because the Marcus Fair is a tradition that still seems very special and real in a world of expensive theme parks and family activities. How many go to the Fair just to see people they haven't seen for years? It's become an annual homecoming event.
I thank any and all who've served as volunteers or are serving now -- Scout leaders, religious leaders, sports coaches, Fair boards. All volunteers know that there's always more work to be done and not enough time to do it. But most volunteers also get a charge out of being involved and seeing positive things happen -- and there are manygreat volunteers (past and present) in Marcus to thank for that.
No one's getting down on anyone here. No one's complaining. Maybe the air needs to be stirred up a little bit now and then.
I'll go down fighting Un-anonymous comments ...
Julia Meylor Simpson
Class of MHS 1975
P.S. I didn't know press releases cost money. I've been writing them for years. Local newspapers print articles about public events -- you don't have to pay for that.
ReplyDeleteI have no problem with anyone posting anonymously on this site. As long as it is done with grace, no libelous post, nor any vindicative comments, then I think anonymity can be a very powerful tool. Of course that requires good moderation, which I believe this site has.
ReplyDeleteLet me put it to you this way. In my business I have an anonymous comment box for both customers and employees. Sometimes I receive nasty comments, but I just throw those away (moderated). However, many times I learn very valuable things about my company, it's service (or lack thereof), my employees and other excellent tidbits. I'd be lost without my anonymous comment box. It's vastly improved my business.
I look at this blog as somewhat of an anonymous comment box IF you want to be anonymous. We all know Marcus is a small community and everyone knows everyone else. We all have our prejudices against others in town but on this site no one can use that against you.
The key I think is to have an open mind and use what people post here anonymously to make Marcus better. We all care about Marcus and want to see her continue to grow and be a nice place to live. Don't take things so personal and solicit ideas from this site.
After all it was someone from Marcus that moved away 40-50 years ago that had the foresight to start this blog. I think we can all learn a lot from each other. We just need to learn to think before we post and probably to develop a bit thicker skin in the process.
Now for my anonymous suggestion to the city of Marcus. I would like to suggest the city start a database of all residents and former residents with addresses and email addresses so organizations like the Fair could send an email blast to everyone and let them know what is going on. You could have people at the fair gates collecting email addresses from those that wish to share it. I know many folks that have moved away and still have fond memories of their little home town on the prairie and they might like to leave something in their will to benefit the town, school, fair, you name it.
Well that is my 2 cents, for what it's worth!
The fireworks WERE fantastic this year. I was very impressed. However, for the comment that "they are at the same time and place every year", not so. At times, they've been held off til the fair in August. At times, they are the day/weekend before or after the 4th. They have been at the horse arena for the past few years, true. Something could have been put in the Marcus News, but whether it would have made it in with the correct information and no misspellings, well, that's a different story.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Marcus News not being awful...this is obviously a matter of opinion, but I think most can agree that it isn't good. Forget the misspellings and poor grammar. Forget the "continued on page 4" only to find there is no continuation on page 4, nor is there continuation elsewhere in the paper. I would like to see stories that have something to do with Marcus, not stories reprinted from a 1920 edition of the Sioux City Journal. I can do without week after week of Mission Trips. Don't get me wrong-they're great and I don't mind the stories, but they get a little long. The paper could be 2 pages long and filled with actual "Marcus News" and I bet more people would subscribe.
I don't think people were "complaining" about the Marcus Fair. What was said is that there could be more promotion going on, which is true. Not everyone is willing or able to jump on the internet to check out the fair schedule. That's not disrespectufl to the Fair Board members in any way.
Honestly, I don't see how suggestions or ideas to make Marcus better are a bad thing, but to each his own.
Another suggestion. Is it possible to find a journalism student at ISU that might want to own a local paper and live in small town Iowa? Maybe the city could help some young man/woman with financing the purchase of the paper, better yet maybe the bank could spend a little of that cash it's sitting on and help out with the financing?
ReplyDeleteDon't mean to offend anyone but a thriving local newspaper can do wonders for a community. I know nothing about running a paper. Maybe the money just isn't there, I don't know, but it doesn't hurt to ask the questions and see if it can stimulate some creative thinking.
I've been told the current owners want to sell the paper. I could be all wet on this (you know how stories get started and grow, especially in small town America)so please forgive me if I have the story wrong about the paper being for sale.
I think just the Marcus News building is for sale.
ReplyDeleteIf you are referring to the Farmer's State Bank financing the purchase of the newspaper to a young individual fresh out of college that will most likely never happen.
If you are referring to the Valley National Bank on the edge of town doing this then you might be on to something. This community is fortunate to have Carl Nelson living here as he has gotten more done around this town in his few short years of living here than most and that bank seems to be much more aggressive in financing the needs and desires of folks within this community than the older bank up town. Just the way I see it.
I feel like there is such negative comments on this blog about petty things about Marcus, if someone was to come to this town and read such negative statement, would you want to live here.
ReplyDeleteYou should be happy that you have a wellknown fair, fireworks and a newspaper in your town. Sometown our size don't have any of those things.
We should praise those people that take on those jobs.
I love Marcus and would not like anyone downing any buisness or event, have you lately stopped and thanked a person or a business owner for being in your hometown.
I love living here and am glad we have some young and dynamic new blood around the town to keep Marcus growing and moving forward.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately we have had some tough years but as of late Marcus is really getting some neat things done.
It is a mixture of new blood and some good leadership that has really helped Marcus turn the corner.
Keep up the good work people and note that as an old timer I thought Marcus wouldn't come back from the 1980 period so my hat is off to those who are really making things happen.
Re negative comments. I don't see where that is evident in this thread but just some voicing there concerns and thots as to how Marcus can continue to improve from what I can tell.
Now if we can just fix RAILROAD STREET then I can go to my grave a happy camper!
ReplyDelete2008 Marcus Fair Schedule
Starting Thursday, August 7
through Sunday, August 10
Admission: FREE
Thursday: 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
(Closed for Parade at 4:00 PM)
Sunday: Noon - 8:00 PM
3:00 - 9:00 PM
Entry Day for Exhibit Buildings & Commercial Exhibits
Weigh-In for All Livestock
7:00 PM
Little Miss Marcus Fair Pageant
Babies On Parade
Induction of Hall of Fame Board Members
Induction of Rev. Samuelson Memorial Awards
ALL DAY Woodcarver
ALL AFTERNOON Smith Amusements & Kiddie Barn
ALL AFTERNOON Jaycee Dunking Booth
9:00 AM Junior Carcass Hog Show - Hall of Progress
9:00 AM - NOON Judging in Exhibit Buildings
10:00 AM Swine Show - Hall of Progress
1:00 PM Lamb Show - Hall of Progress
2:00 PM Greased Pig Contest
3:30 - 6:30 PM Health & Safety Fair - Centennial Hall
5:00 - 7:00 PM Lions Club Pork Feed - North of Food Stand
6:00 PM Horse Game Classes (Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Team Sorting etc.) - Horse Arena
6:00 - 10:00 PM Bingo - North of Food Stand
6:30 PM Youth Parade - Hall of Progress
6:30 PM Local Tractor/Pickup Pull - North of Ball Field
7:30 PM Cash Drawing - Hall of Progress
8:00 PM Tami Hall - Hall of Progress
ALL DAY Woodcarver
ALL DAY Middle School Girl's Softball Tournament
ALL AFTERNOON Smith Amusements & Kiddie Barn
ALL AFTERNOON Jaycee Dunking Booth
7:00 AM
Registration for 5K and 1Mile Run/Walk at Shelterhouse
8:00 AM 5K Run/Walk Begins
8:05 AM 1Mile Run/Walk Begins
9:00 AM Beef Show - Hall of Progress
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Antique Farm Equipment Display - North of Ball Field
10:00 AM - 8:00 PM Farm Toy Show - Centennial Hall
1:00 PM Small Pet Show - North of Food Stand
4:00 PM Parade
5:00 PM Ride-In Motorcycle Show - Ball Field
5:00 PM
Open Car Show - Ball Field
(Sponsor: ABU BEKR Vintage Wheels)
6:00 PM Release All Livestock
6:00 - 10:00 PM Bingo - North of Food Stand
7:00 PM Open Horse Driving Competition - Horse Arena
7:30 PM Auction of Wood Carvings - Hall of Progress
8:00 PM Cash Drawing - Hall of Progress
8:00 PM Jeff Quinn - Hall of Progress
TBA Westernaires
ALL AFTERNOON Smith Amusements & Kiddie Barn
ALL AFTERNOON Jaycee Dunking Booth
10:00 AM Mud Volleyball - West of the Church
10:00 AM Horse Show/Halter and Performance
10:30 AM Church Service - Hall of Progress
11:00 AM Marcus Fire Department Water Fights - Front of Pool
NOON 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament (5th-10th Grades), All Season Arena
12:30 PM Cooking School - Hall of Progress
12:30 PM Kids Contests - Ball Field
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Kids Make It & Take It (Pre-K to 5th Grade) - Centennial Hall
2:30 - 8:00 PM Marcus Ministerial Association Gospel Music - Hall of Progress
2:30 PM Bike Give-Away - Centennial Hall
2:30 PM Pedal Power Pull - Centennial Hall
3:00 PM Antique Tractor Pull - North of Ball Field
5:00 - 6:30 PM Lions Club Beef Feed - North of Food Stand
6:00 - 10:00 PM Bingo - North of Food Stand
6:30 PM Free Ice Cream - North of Food Stand
7:30 PM Cash Drawing - Hall of Progress
8:00 AM
For those of you that did not make it over to the Cherokee County Fair Friday night, you missed an excellent performance by Marcus native Tom Wurth. This young man is an extremely talented singer and performer.
ReplyDeleteThe blog management does not endorse or vouch for the Fair Schedule submitted earlier by an anonymous poster. It is not attributed or verified. It may be accurate, but it may be an early draft, or it also may be mere opinion.
ReplyDeleteWe invite the Marcus Fair organizers or officials to post properly attributed and dated information at any time
from Max Reed
ReplyDeletePlease be aware of an omission in the Fair schedule, as posted anonymously here July 15.
We understand that the Dedication and Open House of the Reed Center of the Marcus Historical Society is scheduled immediately following the Parade on Saturday afternoon. Please try to attend.
Max Reed
What is the course for the 5K run? Can someone post it here?
ReplyDeleteKurt Dorr
please see web site for Marcus fair schedule click on Marcus Fair schedule. This is where I got the schedule so it is not mere opinion. I am not part of the fair board but I enjoy the Marucs Fair. I was just trying to help those people that do not naviagate on the computer very well. I would hate to have anyone feel like they don't know what's going on during the GREAT MARCUS FAIR. Hope to see you all at the FAIR Aug. 7th - Aug. 10th.
ReplyDeleteKristi Ames
So no one knows the race route?
ReplyDeleteK Dorr
Information on the 5K and sign up sheet
ReplyDelete3rd Annual Marcus Fair 5k and 1 mile Run/Walk-2008
In memory of Michael Letsche (1993-2007)
The 5k and 1 mile run/walk is a fund raiser for the Marcettes, a local non-profit organization. All proceeds will be used for service projects in the Marcus and surrounding areas.
Date: August 9, 2008
Place: Marcus City Park/Swimming Pool – East side of Marcus Fair Grounds
Events: 5k run/walk and 1 mile run/walk (no divisions for walk)
Times: Registration/check in: starts at 7:00am, ends 7:55am
5k run/walk starts at 8:00am
1 mile run/walk starts at 8:05am
Entry Fee: Early registration before August 1 is $12
Registration August 2 to day of events is $15
Fruit and Water will be provided for all participants after the events
5k Runner Divisions: Age divisions for the 5k run are as follows:
5k Male 12 and under 13-18
5k Female 19-29 30-39
40-49 50 and older
Awards: All participants will receive a T-shirt. If not pre-registered, shirts may be mailed at a later date.
$25 cash will be awarded to each overall male and overall female winner of the 5k.
A medal will be awarded to the winners of each division and a certificate will be awarded to the 2nd and 3rd place finishers of each division. No awards will be presented to the 1 mile runners/walkers.
Course: The courses are through and around the outer edge of the city of Marcus. They are generally flat with small inclines.
To Enter: Return registration form and entry fee to:
Marcettes 5k and 1 mile run/walk Questions can be directed to:
Sheila Guntren Sheila Guntren at 712/376-2522
Box 279 Email:
Marcus, Iowa 51035
Printable registration is available at website: . Once on the website, go to Marcus Fair and then to the schedule of events. A link will be there to take you into the registration form.
Make checks payable to Marcettes. No refunds.
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Registration Form
5k Run/Walk 1 Mile Run/Walk (please circle either 5k or 1 Mile)
T-shirt size: (Circle one) Adult size: S M L XL or Youth size: L
For 5k runners/walkers: Male Female (circle one)
Age Division: (circle one): 12 and under 13-18 19-29 30-39 40-49 50 and older
The Marcettes will be hosting a 5k (3.1 mile) and a 1 mile walk/run at the Marcus Fair this year in memory of Michael Letsche. This is a fund raiser with all proceeds going to fund service projects and families in need within the Marcus and surrounding areas. The events are on August 9 with registration from 7-8am with the 5k beginning at 8am and 1 mile event beginning at 8:05am. All ages are encouraged to participate. All participants will receive a t-shirt and prizes will be awarded for winners of the 5k event. To get more details, go to Click on the Marcus Fair icon and then "schedule of events". Double click on the link attached to the 5k and 1 mile walk/run event. Or contact Sheila Guntren (712/376-2522 or for a registration form or to gain additional details about this event. Come on out and have some fun while supporting your community!! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever thought about buying the Marcus News. Make sure you retain Thelma but otherwise it appears you have the makings to be a pretty good newspaper editor/owner. Make sure you give us great local stories, local picturesn and editorals from the editor "YOU" and I think you would be great. If you need a good writer to help out I bet you could get Julie Simpson to do some writing and send her articles out to you on a regular basis.
I don't know who said that, but my husband will kill me if I offer to do one more thing. I know Marcus has plenty of good writers out there.
ReplyDeleteI think the Marcus News just needs some TLC. After all, it is a community newspaper. It should serve the people it's written for -- it's all a big cycle and subscriptions tell the story. I've renewed my subscription -- keep local newspapers alive and let them know want you want!
Actually, my uncle took some amazing photos of an old abandoned house near Maryhill and if I can get him to drop in the address for his flicker site, I'd love it if someone could tell me more about this elegant old home ... and if it is still standing. The photos say more than words could ever say about inevitable change and loss.
P.S. I'm in for that Marcus Fair 5K this year too. I'll have to get a big crew of 50+ers to compete against!
ReplyDeleteJulie, I'm not running in the 5K!!! But I should, I need the exercise. It's for my 13 year old son. Unfortunately I can't keep up with him. But I will be there cheering you on!!!
ReplyDeleteRegarding the pictures of the old house. I am pretty sure I know exactly what house you are referring to. I have a bunch of pictures of it I took several years ago. I will upload them and then post a link to the pictures here. Once you view them tell me if it's the same house.
Kurt Dorr
Is this the old home you were referring to Julie? It was several years ago that I took these pictures. The old barn was on the same site to the right of the home as I recall.
ReplyDeleteOld Home and Barn Site
K Dorr
Yes, it is! He has some beautiful detail shots. Does anyone know anything about it?
ReplyDeleteI noticed the detail above the front door. I thought I had a close up of the detail but I can't find it now. I don't know anything about the house though.
ReplyDeleteK Dorr
The Marcus News dated July 17th states there will be a printable registration form for the 5K run on the Marcus Fair section of the town's website. I looked but cannot find such a link. Can anyone please post the link to the printable registration form in this blog or at least point me in the right direction? I may have missed it but I cannot find the printable entry form.
ReplyDeleteK Dorr
Just cut and paste the registration out of this blog. Then print.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I plan to do that, however, the Marcus News states the form is available online. If no one can find it online and they aren't aware of this site then they might not enter the race.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore I have attempted to email Sheila Guntren via the email address listed in the Marcus News and it has bounced back to me twice. Does anyone know the correct email address for Sheila?
K Dorr
ReplyDeleteSheila Guntren is on vacation this week. We are trying to get it downloaded to the Marcus Iowa web site under Marcus Fair but we are having problems. Sorry!
Ok, thanks Kristi. Appreciate the heads up. As far as Sheila goes, it wasn't that she wasn't responding. Her email address as printed in the Marcus News seems to be incorrect. Both times I emailed her it bounced back undeliverable. I don't think it was on my end but that is possible.
ReplyDeleteK Dorr
Looking forward to visiting your warm town.It seems it will be our pleasure to come and enjoy a small town hospitality and an appreciation of the talent we have to offer your fair guests
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be great to come to Marcus and perform our Precision Mounted Drill for you folks.The Westernaires motto is Ride With Pride and we are going to ride into Marcus,Iowa and be proud to be part of your towns celebrations
ReplyDeleteJust heard the Marcus Chamber, MEDCO, and Mainstreet group are joining forces to become Marcus for Progress/Mainstreet Iowa. I'm sure this will be a positive thing for a wonderful community.
ReplyDeleteI believe Marcus is one of only 36 communities in the state of Iowa that are recognized as Mainstreet Iowa communities. Well done Marcus!
I'm seeing advertisements placed around Marcus,and in other towns, featuring the Westernaires at the Marcus Fair. Looks like it will be a thrilling preformance. Can't wait to see them.
ReplyDeleteLet's give these people a warm welcome when they arrive in our community. I understand this is their first performance in Iowa.
Thanks for the nice words you WESTERNAIRE posters.
ReplyDeleteCouple of thoughts:
If you have never been told how much John Hissam's grandfather "Oscar Heline" meant to agriculture in this country and his role in it during the Great Depression make sure you inquire before you get to Marcus thus you can really appreciate the history of the Heline family within the Marcus community.
Likewise, make sure you don't try to stop the Freight Trains coming through Marcus out EAST of TOWN like John and Bill did back in the day. Those kind of tricks will most likely get you thrown in jail today!!!! Remember, do as John says and not as HE DO!
Can't wait to see you guys around town and your neat show! Safe travels to Marcus and know we are very excited and grateful you included Marcus in your SHOW PLANS for this season.
“Johnny Angel”, “One Fine Day”, “This Diamond Ring”, Anyone ?
ReplyDeleteFor the better part of ten years, starting in the early ‘60’s, radio stations KOMA (Oklahoma City), KAAY (Little Rock), and WLS (Chicago) were the AM stations teens throughout the Midwest automatically dialed in at night when they jumped in a car or sat at home studying. Because of the regular airing of ads on those stations that highlighted upcoming weekend dances and the bands that would be playing there, just about every teen felt connected to every other teen from Texas to Canada. The night air was filled with excitement when those stations played favorite songs and you were able to find out where favorite bands were going to be playing a dance.
It’s not surprising then, that in 1961 Marcus highschoolers, Mike Hoover, Chuck Nielsen and Mark Baumgartner decided to start their own band after hearing the latest rock tunes on their favorite 1000-watt clear channel radio station KOMA.
Before long the guys recruited Jim Brownmiller, since his dad had an extra drum set, and later still, recruited Dick Nielsen who played rhythm guitar. Dick was old enough to drive, had his own car and had all the latest rock records. In fact, the guys all heard the latest songs while riding around in Dick’s car listening to KOMA so his addition was a natural.
Initially the guys named themselves, “The Avengers.” They printed up posters and played their first dance in Granville, Iowa. Later they changed their name to “The Charades” because a group from Sutherland started using the name “Scavengers,” (“Avengers” with an SC?).
Over the desires of the powers that be at the time, The Charades played their first Marcus Fair in the old shelter house in 1962. No one who was there will ever forget the night. The band took in $300, at a dollar a head, and hundreds more were watching from outside. The red, yellow and blue lights that lit up the stage were new and exciting. Hearing those popular songs ‘live’ was unforgettable. Everyone within hearing range wanted to dance. When midnight came it seemed like 9:00 pm to the attendees and no one wanted the night, let alone the show, to end.
In 1964, Mark went to college and Denny Delaney was recruited to play bass. The Charades played many tours throughout Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota over a two year period. In 1965, they opened for the Everly Brothers at the Roof Garden at Okoboji, played n tour with Miss Iowa, and were in concert in Des Moines when the Dave Clark Five was in town.
The first ‘reunion concert’ for The Charades was in 1989 at the Marcus Fair with an encore being held in 1990. Those concerts were fun for everybody in attendance and lots of old friends got to reconnect and enjoy the music.
The class of ’68, which is celebrating it’s 40th reunion, would like to invite the community to The Charades’ second ‘reunion concert,’ to be held during the Marcus Fair, Friday, August 8, starting at 8:00 pm at the Grand Meadow Heritage Center. The dance will be held in the on-site barn with plenty of seating, space for dancing, light refreshments and handy parking. So when you’re done at the Fair, jump in the car and come on down and you just might hear, “The Harlem Shuffle, “He’s So Fine,” or “It’s My Party,” while catching up with some old friends.
For all of you with family who live out of town be sure to pass this on to them. There’s nothing like a hot summer night in August spent with The Charades. Hope to see you there.
K Dorr
Johnny B. Goode
ReplyDeleteIn the mid 60’s, when local Marcus band The Charades opened their show, the song they typically started with was “Johnny B. Goode.” This Friday night will be no exception. “Mustang Sally”, “Twist and Shout”, and “House of the Rising Sun,” will be included in the first set plus lots of memories and familiar faces.
The Charades will be performing at the Grand Meadow Heritage Center starting at 8:00 pm, at the invitation of the Marcus High School class of ’68 for our 40th reunion celebration. Everyone is invited to come down after the fair and join in the fun.
The second set will feature other local musicians who will jump up on stage and join in. A number have already agreed to participate and The Charades encourage anyone with an instrument to come on down and join in the evening’s fun.
The third set will be open to requests. Of course, if the guys don’t remember all the words you may hear some laughable lyrics. We’re all anxious to see how much they actually can recall from 40 years ago.
Throughout the evening lots of stories will be told of their beginnings in Marcus and time on the road. The guys want to give the audience a lot of fun during the evening, so in addition to the music there will be plenty of microphone time. If you know Chuck Nielsen, you know what we mean. In addition, there will be a table set up with some memorabilia on display like an original bumper stickers, “I Danced To The Charades,” early costumes, hair spray, and black and white ORIGINAL posters. A screen will be set up displaying lots of great pictures of those days in the mid-60’s.
Now if you missed Mike Hoover on national TV last week this is the time to come and get his autograph! Don’t wait any longer.
For all of you with family who will be driving into town, be sure to tell them about the concert and let them know that an entertaining evening of music and reminiscing will be had in Grand Meadow this Friday night, August 8, at 8:00 pm. Enjoy the fair and then come on down to Grand Meadow. Refreshments and drinks will be available for your late night snacking.
K. Dorr
The Class of 1983 will be having their 25 year reunion on Saturday, August 9th, at the Marcus Golf Course. Friends of the Class are encouraged to stop by after 8:30 that evening.
ReplyDeleteJust a few of the new things to check out during the Marcus Fair:
ReplyDeleteBucket of Junk Contest
New Livestock Show Arena
New Lighting and Ventilation in Centennial Hall
Worlds Best Precision Mounted Drill Team at Speed " The Westernaires"
The Reed Center
"Master Story Tellers" Clayton and Linda Layman
ATV Competition
New Performers at the Gospel Fest
All those long lost classmates
The Weather looks to be perfect, so come enjoy the Marcus Fair!
ReplyDeleteDon't forget "The Barns"(Jerry Ballards old place) and The newly opened Hometown Guesthouse.
I am reading this blog for the first time. This thing is insane!! All of you people need to find something better to do with your time. I see this sight as being very negative. If you think you can do any better with some of these things, I am sure the fairboard would welcome your help. They are a great group of people who work very hard to bring this community an outstanding fair for FREE!! That is not an easy task. These people have other jobs and families outside of their volunteering and some things may not get done as timely as they should, but they do what they can. You look around the area and tell me that you can find a better fair. I think these board members would take offense to these comments. If all of you know so much, meet with them face to face and share your concerns.
ReplyDeleteThis fair promises to be one of the best. I hope all of you are not too busy finding fault with it and take some time to enjoy it.
Thanks Krisit for all of your input. I know you are a busy involved mom who loves the fair as much as we do.
From the insane group:
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I was just going to type that this is probably the best year in a long time that I have seen as much coverage of the fair and the schedule of the fair doings put out in a timely and efficient manor via the Marcus News and the like. It appears that even though you think we are insane that someone is paying attention to the customer!
To all of those involved with the fair your efforts are greatly appreciated but remember many have gone on before you and done a marvlous job as well to make the FAIR what it is today. Thus you aren't the first volunteers involved with this "RODEO" so to speak.
Again, your efforts to provide timely information and details is greatly appreciated. Communication is an amazing thing and all of us INSANE folks appreciate your willingness to hear our suggestions and act upon them.
The Marcus Fair rivals any fair in Iowa and us old timers trust you young bucks will even dream bigger dreams than we did and make it even more spectacular for many generations of Marcus folks to come!
Suggestion to the FAIR BOARD, it would be awesome to see you envision a different layout re the carnival area and make it bigger so the young ones can have some new and different experiences. Why not give the carnival folks more land to the north and just behind the 3rd base dugout or go across the street to the WEST and put some neat rides over there? The carnival folks would surely love to make more money via more rides and the kids would have some new ventures to partake of.
P.S. See you at the fair if they can get all of us from the retirement center up there!