This is a Blog site created by Bob Reed (in Florida) for folks who live--or used to live--in Marcus, Iowa. Its purpose is to exchange notes, news, remembrances, and thoughts about life in and about Marcus, or news about one's family, friends or acquaintances.
Heartland Care Center will be having a Pet Show Saturday Nov 7th @ 2pm. The community is invited to enter and share your pets with the residents of Heartland. Prizes will be given to all participants along with prizes in each category. An ice cream social will be held after the show. If you would like to enter your pet in the show, please contact Jamie at 376-2500 by Nov 5th. The categories are: 1)Largest 2)Smallest 3)Most unusual 4)Best dressed 5)Pet and owner look-alike 6)Best trick(s) 7)Best groomed 8)Judges Choice
Thought you Hawkeye fans would like to see the cover of today's Sports Illustrated.
Oh and to anonymous that thinks this is the DORR blog, sorry but I suspect you will click on my link and like what you see. If you can add material to this blog that people will like I will shut up. Until then, I plan to post when I want to.
Thanks much for sharing that with us Kurt and re the moron who likes to bash on you and your family, forget about it. You have opened up my world to a bunch of neat things that I don't really get exposed to around town. My family and I enjoy all of the neat things you find and share with us. Thanks again.
Can someone explain to me how our hometown would vote against a motel sales tax? Only in Marcus!
Is the motel filled up with people from the community at night and if so why aren't they sleeping in their own homes?
The tax would have raised lots of money to support our Senior Center and the like and we would have raised the money from people who aren't even from our town.
Amazing! Simply amazing.....surely we are smarter than that around this community!
Well when half of the funds go to support our SENIOR/COMMUNITY CENTER I beg to differ and why would Marcus people care anyway? The tax is on the business people and tourist that stay at the motel and not the local people. Genius move people but I will bet everyone wants the town to help with funding projects at the Community Center when they run short of funds? Smart.
Just a reminder that tonight is the Second Harvest Fest in Marcus. It is from 5-8pm at the Marcus Community Center. Six to eight home-based (Marcus only) business will have their products and merchandise available to sell. You can enjoy a bowl or two of soup while visiting with friends. Free will donation for the soup. Hope you can stop by to enjoy an evening in downtown Marcus! -Melinda Rosewall
The MMC Drill Team has been invited to march in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC!! I read a small article about it a few weeks ago in the Marcus News, however, it was buried on the 5th page... This is an awesome opportunity for these girls. A chance of a lifetime. Of the 12 girls on the drill team, only 6 will be attending. With all the fundraising for the Crow's Nest at the High School, it's too bad no funds were set aside for this. BTW, How many weeks a year will the new $85,000 Crow's Nest be used?
Ummmm was the new Crow's Nest paid for with public money or private money? If it was private money then who cares?
Re fundraising for the girls going to be part of the Macy's parade since you have a passion for this event (which I concur with you on it being a neat opportunity) then why don't you spearhead a fundraiser to help these young ladies out instead of calling people out? Just a thought or would that require you not being anonymous and having to go the extra mile?
What is happening in Marcus? I hear from relatives that the town has no money and had to let one of the police officers go. The streets are not cleaned because the street cleaner is not working. The taxes are high as well as the cost of water & sewer rates on the rise. Why is there no money, anybody know what's wrong?
I dont know what has happened to the towns money but next time you come for a visit youll have to take a stroll to Downs Street and see all thats developing near there.
Hello Marcus, Just thought I would let all the ladies know that tonight is the facial class at the senior center. You are welcome to come. It is at 6:00. If you wish to come please email me ahead of time so I know and I have enough things to bring.
My Email is:
Hope to see you all there ~Give the gift of beauty~
Everyone would like to know what is going on with the city. The caity says they have no money but the money is there for what they need! Alot of people are thinking that 2 people on the council are trying to save money so that they can hire a city manager (Darrell Downs) We lost 2 great workers from the city a policeman and a city worker. Maybe the people of marcus need to attend the city council meetings to see what is going on!!!
You would think going to the council meetings would be the perfect way to keep your city government in check but it not that easy. I've been to meetings and gone to the clerks office and when you ask about something specific they dance around the question or lie to your face. Thier judgment day will come. Will they lie to God when that day comes?
I want to thank all of the wonderful ladies that came to my party last night. Kristi, Carla, Becky, and their children. I had so much fun and I hope you did as well. Kristi it was really nice to finally meet you. I hope we can do this again. Thank you so much for helping me kick off my business.
Come on folks let's be honest. We have a nice new motel and a new business in the business park and we are also seeing another new building go up (business) in the business park.
Don't know if people realize this or not but all of those endeavors have employees that work for these businesses.
The mayor and the wonderful folks who give up so much of their personal time to serve on the city council must be doing something right!
Re lying to our faces. That is an odd comment to make since city council meetings are open to the public and they document everything via city records and last but not least they have to have an annual CITY AUDIT to verify the books. How does one pull off lying and such when everything is so transparent.
Call the mayor and the city council whatever you like but be fair---calling them liars is a bit of a stretch!
When a bird swims and goes "quack-quack-quack" you call it a DUCK. When a four legged animal waddles in the mud and goes "oink-oink-oink" you call it a PIG. When you know factually people who lie to your face you call them "LIARS". Don't hide behind "political correctness", if you add white paint to black paint it still comes out black...
"Come on folks let's be honest" Now that's an oxymoron if I ever heard one! Have you drove through town lately and witnessed our dilapidated streets? Especially Main street and it's sidewalks. The business places that made Marcus what it is (Pizza Ranch, Marcus Bowl, Smith Insurance, Car Quest, Jeff's Foods, Wibe Law Office, Knudson Law Office, Marcus Hardware, Hesse Inc, Marcus Lumber, Farmers State Bank, First Trust Bank, Marcus Auto Repair, JB's Bar & Grill, The Panhead), and the list goes on... are being punished with rising taxes and utilities, while all the money is being spent on a business park that serves no purpose. Over a million dollars later we have streets, water, sewer, electricity to a motel that's not making it and a third bank we need like a whole in the head. What many forget is that we already had a business park with water and sewer already there! Schmillen Construction, Cherokee County Road Dept, Olsen repair, Frederick Welding, and plenty of room for expansion. What a million dollars couldn't have done for Marcus proper...
Jerry Pallesen is truly a remarkable man. Our famiy was blessed to have him play at my dad's funeral. And he drove 150 miles to honor my dad. There is no match to the sound of a bugle playing TAPS. It will bring tears to even the strongest man.
QUOTE: "Over a million dollars later we have streets, water, sewer, electricity to a motel that's not making it and a third bank we need like a whole in the head."
Why do you insist on tearing down people who are trying to make a difference? It seems to me that if you are so upset with what the leadership of the community is doing--who happen to be elected officials btw--that you ought to run for the city council and then be part of the solution instead of the problem.
The third bank happens to be doing quite well and if they weren't I don't imagine that people would bank there. In fact the motel that isn't making it--how do you know this cause what I am heaing they are having their best year yet and don't tell one of Marcus own...the young Olson boy that he isn't wanted via his new office building he is building in this lovely new business park as we type! I am one that is glad to see he chose to build his new office building in Marcus and hopefully create jobs for the young folks around our community.
Re Main Street, seems like lots of nice things are happening up there with the enhancements to the community center and such. Maybe the business leaders of the old traditional downtown part of Marcus ought to figure out a way to get the streets paved and flower pots put out and the like. Why are they waiting for someone else to do this job for them? I don't understand your mentality as to why you are against progress in our town regardless where it takes place or am I missing something?
Lastly, it sounds like you have issues with our mayor who works like a fool for our community and gets paid ZIPPO relative to all of the hours he gives to this community. Me thinks instead of tearing the man down you ought to take a hard look at all of the good he has done for our community and maybe we ought to go so far as to have a wonderful community dinner night (at the community center)to thank our mayor and his council members for all of the hard work they do and have done on our behalf.
It is not the mainstreet business owners responsibility to come up with a plan to pay for repairs and maintaining mainstreet. Nor is it the resposibility of home owners to come up with a plan to pay for repairs to city streets or sidewalks. This is the responsibility of the elected officials of this community.
It's true we have a beautiful industrial park. But we seem to have no plan for maintaining/upgrading existing city streets and infrastructure. We have a beautifully restored city hall complete with handy-cap accessible entry, yet we longer get to use it as a voting place. I'm sure the intent was to help the Bio-Diesel group get started, but at some point it's time to say "PAY FOR THE SPACE".
You could say the Mayor and City council are visionaries with some things, but you can also say they have neglected to act on other other obvious items that need addressed.
The root cause of the 5% tax failing and all of this 'blog bitching' is lack of trust!
When this blog first started, we were required to include our names on posts because it was set up that way. In an attempt to make it more user-friendly and accessible, the blog administrator chose to allow anonymous posts. It's sad to see the blog lose the positive spirit it once enjoyed. Maybe it's time to reconsider the original intent of this site, which wasn't to bash the town or the volunteers or leaders who work so tirelessly to keep Marcus alive. I would rather see the site put to rest than let it become a hiding spot for people to take pot shots from.
Thanks, Julie and Kurt, I have been thinking the same thing about all the comments that have been written on the blog this month. They haven't solved any of the problems and have probably created more problems and hard feelings. Remember, when you express your feelings about a subject, please say it nicely, and sign your name.
If this site goes for deleting anonymous post that is discrimnation.(everyone should and needs to be heard with or with out signing a name) Anonymous is away of putting something out there for others to read and see. I can see people getting even for a post, and it will happen. You have to take the good with the bad even if you don't like it. There are things going on with the city of Marcus that are not liked. Things being done under the table or in special meetings when others can not attend. We as the people of Marcus and who don't live in Marcus have to hold the elected officers accountable. Don't we? We all need to remember that there is 2 sides to a sotry!
When you cast your vote for a political person it's anonymous. When you make your decision as a jurist it's anonymous. It's the proper way to give the most honest and truthful view of things without repercussions. Without the ability to keep you identity to yourself the dark side would never be visible. It's part of the freedoms we inherited from our founding fathers. Thank you.
Small town... Small minds. Quit bitching, be the solution, not the problem. If you don't like it, change it. Look in the mirror. I'm sick of these cryptic messages & rants. If you think someone is lying, tell us what specifically are they lying about. Actually, grow a pair & go to the source! Put it out there. Lay it on the line. Quit beating around the bush. If you want to stay anonymous, then find something positive to say. What if this blog was used for "good news." If we want bad news, we can read the papers. We have an incredible opportunity with this blog to be kind to each other. Who did something nice for you? What have you done for someone else lately? What is your greatest achievement? What do you love? What if we had a monthly theme? Or a philosophical question to be answered? Let's change the tone of this. I think the reason there are so many anonymous posts is because living in such a small town & everyone knowing everybody else, people not only do not want to be held accountable, but they are afraid someone will dislike them. As far as my anonymous, get over it. Let's quit nit-picking & try a little kindness.
You hold your elected officials accountable with your vote.
Jurors sit in a court of law eye to eye with the accused.
All this "behind closed doors" stuff that you are accusing others of doing is exactly what you are doing.
Open the doors, communicate, stop churning the waters with rumor and innuendo.
Look around -- almost every town and city in America is going through tough times right now. We've just experienced one of the roughest economic periods since the Great Depression.
It would be sad to see this site turn into a place to hang dirty laundry. Marcus doesn't deserve that. No one does.
By the way, the founding fathers (and mothers) stepped up to the plate. That's why we know who to thank.
Well, I came out of Sam's Club with a full cart (too full, like always). I put everything in the back of my vehicle and started to back out of the parking lot. A man came running up to my car, waving the new Barbra Streisand CD that I had just treated myself to. "Thought you'd want this," he said. Simple as that. Makes me smile every time I listen to Barbra's old love songs. And that's enough.
it is easy for you that don't live in Marcus to say those things in past post. I remember certian people on here complainning about the Marcus News and the way they reported things. I never heard any of you aplogises for your comments about the Marcus News. I have given over 25 years of service to the community of Marcus. I do what I can to make Marcus a better place to grow! " I am only one, but I am one" What is the big deal about putting a name to your post or not. I don't need to put my name to everything to make sure my name is not forgotten. Oh by the way Kurt I did not look at your sites you put on the blog and you said I would.
Jeff that brings back tons of great old memories. How is your wonderful mother doing and note your sister Julie still has the prettiest smile in Marcus. She is always so kind.........just like your mom!!!!
Jeff, as you are well aware of it was a toss up between your mom and Helen Nelson as to who spoiled us kids rotten with their wonderful baking on those cold winter Saturday I loved your moms' carmel and cinnamon or was it "SINAMON" rolls? They were always tasty and your mom was the kindest lady to us terrors of the hood!!!!!
Use to love breaking into the Holy Name Gym with all of you older guys and playing basketball and such........brings back some great memories. Between you, Johnny Ladenthin, and Brian Gates you guys could light it up on the basketball court. Those were some fun times.
Trust all is well with you and your family and greet your mom for me!
Speaking of Jeff Brady that should open up the blog to some other great stories about the super fast- pitch Marcus softball teams that Marcus has had over the years.
Forgive me if I have overlooked anyone but between Jeff's older brother (believe it was Bob Brady) and Larry Slagter it was amazing to see two of the best fast-pitch softball players in the area do their thing. Man these guys were gifted.......
If anyone wants to elaborate on this subject I would love to read the posts!
I would also love to hear about the stories from fastpitch players of old! It was such a great game to play and it's sad to see it has died in northwest Iowa. There is a great collection of stories and articles in a fastpitch related book at the Historical museum that my dad and aunt worked many hours on getting put together. -Ben Nelson
I am confused...are you Brian's son or grandson? Either way Brian was a great player in the day as well and I miss watching him, Steve Specht and the gang play but Bob Brady and Larry Slagter will always be the ones that I will remember the most as when I was a little kid it was amazing to watch those guys pitch. If there were two better pitchers in the Tri-State region I would have loved to seen them pitch!
I hated it when these guys quit playing for the Marcus teams.....and now that I think of it wasn't Steve Hagey or Grant Hagey pretty gifted as well when it came to pitching?
Philip I am Brian's youngest son. Steve Specht might possibly be the best 3rd baseman I've ever seen play the game. He played every aspect of the game well, from fielding a bunt to laying one down and legging it out for a base hit!
I've heard many a story on Bob Brady and his pitching feats!
I don't even want to venture a guess as to how many hours I spent watching the games, playing 'pickle' at the playground, and running down foul balls.
Bob Brady was amazing but Larry Slagter was just as spectacular in my eyes.......and then Gary Bork wasn't toooo bad of a thrower in his day either. Marcus definitely had some amazing pitchers in the day that is for sure and didn't even Brian pitch if memory serves me correctly but that was mainly after I had left the area thus I don't know much about that era of Marcus fast pitch other than what I heard over the years about Steve Specht.
I definitely remember watching Gary throw a lot of games. They had some really good teams when I was young. It seemed like they we were always hitting the road to Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, and I even remember the went to Fargo, ND one time. Of course there were always the trips to the 'big city' of Sioux City. It's strange to me that they considered that a big weekend playing in Sioux City, because when I started playing we drove to Sioux City every week just to play league games. I never got to experience true town ball as the players generations before me did.
To anonymous: I looked up a definition of pickle. It's also known as hotbox.
Description Split the group into two groups and then place them about 30-40 feet apart facing each other. Then pick two people to stand with them. These two people have a ball that they toss back and forth. The others on the team try to get from side to side without being tagged. They then keep tabs of how many times they have spanned the distance and call the number out each time they make it.
Ohhhh, fast pitch softball! Most memories of my childhood involve softball games at the park in Marcus, Hubbard Field in Sioux City, and of course, the tournaments in Des Moines. It saddens me that the Marcus Merchants are no longer, because those days and nights at the ball field were some of the best ever.
What great memories from the children of Marcus fast pitch players! I wonder if their parents even knew that these memories of summer nights would be so meaningful to them. On quiet summer nights you could hear those balls being hit from several streets away.
That's why a baserunner who gets caught between bases in a rundown, when trying to steal, is referred to being in a 'pickle'. I always knew it as that but didn't know there was an actual game that the name came from. Thanks, now I know. Ann G Dorr
Ben and Jeff along with anyone else....I know this could become controversial but how about let's rank the top fastpitch softball players from top to bottom? I am curious what people think thus the suggestion.......not intending to cause controversy or hurt anyone's feelings.
Better would be fun to round these guys up and have them ride in the Marcus parade. A community way to recognize them for their great talents as well as give them our thanks for all of the great memories they provided all of us as kids while growing up in Marcus!
Julie, you are dead on re the sounds of softball at the park on a summer night. I also remember the smells of Ab Smith and his concession stand goodies! Nothing better than a Mountain Dew and a 10-cent bag of popcorn watching Larry Slagter pitch as a kid!
Jeff, I vaguely remember Jim Nielsen pitching so forgive me for overlooking the obvious and weren't you and Brian Nelson pretty talented as well from what I recall at pitching? Where is brother Bob btw and make sure you let him know about this blog.....
My favorite memories as a kid growing up were fastpitch softball, watching Gary Sanow run track, and being part of Brian Hogue's great swimteam program.....boy could Bucky Tentinger, Bob Haines, "Rick, Mel,Kim Lenox," and Dicky Bork dive off of that high diving board.
Does anyone remember the ladies that had a softball team? Cokkie Lusier was a pitcher and I think Judy Gravenish played. Can anyone remember any other ladies that played?
Or does anyone remember the time I think it was Dave Nixon wanted to ride with Shelia Brwonmiller in the poder puff derby?
Or who was the girl that got her foot run over when the derby was held up in the upper part of the park by the calttle barns?
Thank the town or Marcus (for what) what a laugh! Alot of individauls yeah!!! All those that make Marcus a better place. Jaycees, Marc-Ettes, Lions, Fair Board, Church groups.
Couldn't agree more, all the city has done for me since Loren Stowater was mayor is cost me more money... The citizens of Marcus and all it's fabulous volunteers can't be beat!
Someone seems to be a bit confused when it comes to definitions. The town of Marcus IS the individual citizens who do all of the things it takes for a town to survive. It takes the mayor, the council, the various boards, the churches, the school and all of the other organizations working together. Thanking any or all of those involved is a great idea. Looking back on my favorite small town and deciding where to begin with my expressions of gratitude is a challenge. However, it is still a challenge that gives me no cause for anonymity. I still haven't figured out why that is such an issue for some individuals. Margaret Dorr
I am not confused! The town of Marcus is the council and mayor. The people who run things.
The individuals make up the community of Marcus and we have some great peoplein Marcus.
Yes, what is the big deal if you put your name on your post or not?
Again some people don't need or want their names out and that is fine with me. So should they be treated differently because they don't think the same way you do?
Yes, you are right, they did. I learned to love Marcus from my father and mother, who -- like the other hard-working farm families I knew best -- volunteered for almost every civic, religious and educational endeavor the town needed to thrive. They found time for all their kids' activities and they were there to give more when asked. Rarely did I hear them complain about any of it. It's a generation that knew difficult times -- far more extreme than any we could imagine. If only our generation could take away some of that strength, we would be better for it.
Good luck to you. I hope you can resolve your issues with "the town." But if you think Marcus is doing something wrong or under the table, look around. Unemployment in my area of the country is at 14 percent. Many people I know are working at reduced hours or are laid off. Many public school students pay to play on school sports teams. They pay to ride school buses to school and other events. Our town services are threadbare. If you think Marcus is alone in all this, wake up. Instead of complaining, find out what you can do to to help.
Exactly right Julie! with a sagging economy and not knowing what the future holds, the town officials should be spending less and thus easing the tax burden on it's citizens.
Maybe there should be two blogs. One blog for people who grew up in Marcus and fondly recall memories of their childhood. Another blog for people who currently live in Marcus and may not "wear the same kind of glasses" when viewing the community. Everyone brings their own history and experience to this present moment. Thus, the diverse opinions about the "value or lack thereof" of the community of Marcus. Each are valid. Maybe in the long run, it serves a good purpose for those who are unhappy to have an outlet to vent their feelings. If those of us who no longer live in Marcus don't want to know their reality of life in "our" small town, we don't have to read it. Both needs are valid. And yet, perhaps, both needs are being met by this blog. Long may it continue. . . Ann G Dorr
Maybe those who have an issue with the way the town is being run and the vision that the town leaders have for the town ought to go down to city hall and file papers to run for the city council as well as before they go off and disparage the hard work of the current council members and mayor they ought to go review the city financial statements/budget since it is all public information.
It just gets real old when people want to throw people under the bus that they feel are doing them wrong when they usually don't even know what is going on from a big picture perspective!
Thank goodness we have dedicated/committed people that want to serve in leadership roles for our great community.
Thought I'd share this cool little story I found on the web about Marcus native Brett Meister's daughter signing with Briar Cliff! Congrats to her and her parents! I just hope she can handle the Iowa winters because she can obviously handle a basketball!!
We were not put on this earth to judge. I think we need more volunteers to step up and take responsibility to lead the community forward. But it’s easier to sit back and complain about others than do something about it ourselves. (That’s right I included myself) But you will see me applauding those who serve our community often thanklessly and without even being noticed, rather to dish them on not doing something the way I would have wanted it done. Anyone who feels another person or persons are not doing what they should be has a right to disagree with them. And if you feel strongly enough after discussing it with the individuals involved, doing something about it. But first off take it to the source and see if it wasn't something that was possibly overlooked. We all make mistakes and if these elected officials are making mistakes after mistakes then we have a duty to not re-elect them. I know last time I voted I didn't see too many choices for most of these thankless positions. Anyone that has 30-40 hours a month free to spend bettering the community and seeing put that every single detail gets tended to add your name to the next ballot. I’m sure those who are serving and doing there best only to be ridiculed will gladly welcome new members who have different opinions. Just be prepared, because just as you are treating these individuals others will then be saying and typing the same comments about you and your decisions. There is no way to make everyone in Marcus 100% happy.
Beautifully stated, Ron! Thank you for setting the right tone for neighborly, community-minded, comments appropriate for this Advent Season. May all of you in the proud town of Marcus count your blessings and enjoy them as long as the Good Lord grants you the privilege! Margaret Dorr
Heartland Care Center will be having a Pet Show Saturday Nov 7th @ 2pm. The community is invited to enter and share your pets with the residents of Heartland. Prizes will be given to all participants along with prizes in each category. An ice cream social will be held after the show. If you would like to enter your pet in the show, please contact Jamie at 376-2500 by Nov 5th. The categories are: 1)Largest
ReplyDelete2)Smallest 3)Most unusual 4)Best dressed 5)Pet and owner look-alike 6)Best trick(s) 7)Best groomed 8)Judges Choice
I just wanted to let everyone know that I have the Holiday book for Mary Kay, there are some great products for women and men!
ReplyDeleteThought some of you might enjoy this video
ReplyDeleteFamily Farm Video
Kurt Dorr
Thought you Hawkeye fans would like to see the cover of today's Sports Illustrated.
ReplyDeleteOh and to anonymous that thinks this is the DORR blog, sorry but I suspect you will click on my link and like what you see. If you can add material to this blog that people will like I will shut up. Until then, I plan to post when I want to.
Kurt Dorr
Cover of today's Sports Illustrated
Here is page one of the article.
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More of the SI article on the Hawkeyes
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More of the Hawkeyes article in SI
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more of the SI article
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This video was just posted on Youtube yesterday. It's about Iowa's trip to the 1957 Rose Bowl.
ReplyDeleteKurt Dorr
Iowa Goes to the Rose Bowl
Thanks much for sharing that with us Kurt and re the moron who likes to bash on you and your family, forget about it. You have opened up my world to a bunch of neat things that I don't really get exposed to around town. My family and I enjoy all of the neat things you find and share with us. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteCan someone explain to me how our hometown would vote against a motel sales tax? Only in Marcus!
ReplyDeleteIs the motel filled up with people from the community at night and if so why aren't they sleeping in their own homes?
The tax would have raised lots of money to support our Senior Center and the like and we would have raised the money from people who aren't even from our town.
Amazing! Simply amazing.....surely we are smarter than that around this community!
There is nothing smart about taxation.
ReplyDeleteWell when half of the funds go to support our SENIOR/COMMUNITY CENTER I beg to differ and why would Marcus people care anyway? The tax is on the business people and tourist that stay at the motel and not the local people. Genius move people but I will bet everyone wants the town to help with funding projects at the Community Center when they run short of funds? Smart.
ReplyDeleteHow naive you must be to think it's OK to inflict pain on someone else as long as you don't bleed.
ReplyDeleteJust a reminder that tonight is the Second Harvest Fest in Marcus. It is from 5-8pm at the Marcus Community Center. Six to eight home-based (Marcus only) business will have their products and merchandise available to sell. You can enjoy a bowl or two of soup while visiting with friends. Free will donation for the soup. Hope you can stop by to enjoy an evening in downtown Marcus!
ReplyDelete-Melinda Rosewall
The MMC Drill Team has been invited to march in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC!!
ReplyDeleteI read a small article about it a few weeks ago in the Marcus News, however, it was buried on the 5th page... This is an awesome opportunity for these girls. A chance of a lifetime. Of the 12 girls on the drill team, only 6 will be attending. With all the fundraising for the Crow's Nest at the High School, it's too bad no funds were set aside for this.
BTW, How many weeks a year will the new $85,000 Crow's Nest be used?
Ummmm was the new Crow's Nest paid for with public money or private money? If it was private money then who cares?
ReplyDeleteRe fundraising for the girls going to be part of the Macy's parade since you have a passion for this event (which I concur with you on it being a neat opportunity) then why don't you spearhead a fundraiser to help these young ladies out instead of calling people out? Just a thought or would that require you not being anonymous and having to go the extra mile?
That would be approximately 25 weeks a year since it is used for the football, track, and baseball seasons.
ReplyDeleteWhat is happening in Marcus?
ReplyDeleteI hear from relatives that the town has no money and had to let one of the police officers go.
The streets are not cleaned because the street cleaner is not working.
The taxes are high as well as the cost of water & sewer rates on the rise.
Why is there no money, anybody know what's wrong?
I dont know what has happened to the towns money but next time you come for a visit youll have to take a stroll to Downs Street and see all thats developing near there.
ReplyDeleteHello Marcus,
ReplyDeleteJust thought I would let all the ladies know that tonight is the facial class at the senior center. You are welcome to come. It is at 6:00. If you wish to come please email me ahead of time so I know and I have enough things to bring.
My Email is:
Hope to see you all there
~Give the gift of beauty~
Everyone would like to know what is going on with the city. The caity says they have no money but the money is there for what they need!
ReplyDeleteAlot of people are thinking that 2 people on the council are trying to save money so that they can hire a city manager (Darrell Downs)
We lost 2 great workers from the city a policeman and a city worker.
Maybe the people of marcus need to attend the city council meetings to see what is going on!!!
You would think going to the council meetings would be the perfect way to keep your city government in check but it not that easy.
ReplyDeleteI've been to meetings and gone to the clerks office and when you ask about something specific they dance around the question or lie to your face. Thier judgment day will come. Will they lie to God when that day comes?
I want to thank all of the wonderful ladies that came to my party last night. Kristi, Carla, Becky, and their children. I had so much fun and I hope you did as well. Kristi it was really nice to finally meet you. I hope we can do this again. Thank you so much for helping me kick off my business.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Jay Welp for his great performance at the Iowa State Cross Country meet!
ReplyDeleteKurt Dorr
Jay Welp XC Results
Come on folks let's be honest. We have a nice new motel and a new business in the business park and we are also seeing another new building go up (business) in the business park.
ReplyDeleteDon't know if people realize this or not but all of those endeavors have employees that work for these businesses.
The mayor and the wonderful folks who give up so much of their personal time to serve on the city council must be doing something right!
Re lying to our faces. That is an odd comment to make since city council meetings are open to the public and they document everything via city records and last but not least they have to have an annual CITY AUDIT to verify the books. How does one pull off lying and such when everything is so transparent.
Call the mayor and the city council whatever you like but be fair---calling them liars is a bit of a stretch!
Gerald Pallesen made USA Today for his work with Bugles Across America. Well done Jerry!
ReplyDeleteGerald Pallesen
Kurt Dorr
When a bird swims and goes "quack-quack-quack" you call it a DUCK.
ReplyDeleteWhen a four legged animal waddles in the mud and goes "oink-oink-oink" you call it a PIG.
When you know factually people who lie to your face you call them "LIARS".
Don't hide behind "political correctness", if you add white paint to black paint it still comes out black...
"Come on folks let's be honest"
ReplyDeleteNow that's an oxymoron if I ever heard one!
Have you drove through town lately and witnessed our dilapidated streets?
Especially Main street and it's sidewalks.
The business places that made Marcus what it is (Pizza Ranch, Marcus Bowl, Smith Insurance, Car Quest, Jeff's Foods, Wibe Law Office, Knudson Law Office, Marcus Hardware, Hesse Inc, Marcus Lumber, Farmers State Bank, First Trust Bank, Marcus Auto Repair, JB's Bar & Grill, The Panhead), and the list goes on... are being punished with rising taxes and utilities, while all the money is being spent on a business park that serves no purpose.
Over a million dollars later we have streets, water, sewer, electricity to a motel that's not making it and a third bank we need like a whole in the head.
What many forget is that we already had a business park with water and sewer already there! Schmillen Construction, Cherokee County Road Dept, Olsen repair, Frederick Welding, and plenty of room for expansion. What a million dollars couldn't have done for Marcus proper...
Jerry Pallesen is truly a remarkable man. Our famiy was blessed to have him play at my dad's funeral. And he drove 150 miles to honor my dad. There is no match to the sound of a bugle playing TAPS. It will bring tears to even the strongest man.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jerry !
Kim (Kranig) Ames
ReplyDelete"Over a million dollars later we have streets, water, sewer, electricity to a motel that's not making it and a third bank we need like a whole in the head."
Why do you insist on tearing down people who are trying to make a difference? It seems to me that if you are so upset with what the leadership of the community is doing--who happen to be elected officials btw--that you ought to run for the city council and then be part of the solution instead of the problem.
The third bank happens to be doing quite well and if they weren't I don't imagine that people would bank there. In fact the motel that isn't making it--how do you know this cause what I am heaing they are having their best year yet and don't tell one of Marcus own...the young Olson boy that he isn't wanted via his new office building he is building in this lovely new business park as we type! I am one that is glad to see he chose to build his new office building in Marcus and hopefully create jobs for the young folks around our community.
Re Main Street, seems like lots of nice things are happening up there with the enhancements to the community center and such. Maybe the business leaders of the old traditional downtown part of Marcus ought to figure out a way to get the streets paved and flower pots put out and the like. Why are they waiting for someone else to do this job for them? I don't understand your mentality as to why you are against progress in our town regardless where it takes place or am I missing something?
Lastly, it sounds like you have issues with our mayor who works like a fool for our community and gets paid ZIPPO relative to all of the hours he gives to this community. Me thinks instead of tearing the man down you ought to take a hard look at all of the good he has done for our community and maybe we ought to go so far as to have a wonderful community dinner night (at the community center)to thank our mayor and his council members for all of the hard work they do and have done on our behalf.
It is not the mainstreet business owners responsibility to come up with a plan to pay for repairs and maintaining mainstreet. Nor is it the resposibility of home owners to come up with a plan to pay for repairs to city streets or sidewalks.
ReplyDeleteThis is the responsibility of the elected officials of this community.
It's true we have a beautiful industrial park. But we seem to have no plan for maintaining/upgrading existing city streets and infrastructure. We have a beautifully restored city hall complete with handy-cap accessible entry, yet we longer get to use it as a voting place. I'm sure the intent was to help the Bio-Diesel group get started, but at some point it's time to say "PAY FOR THE SPACE".
You could say the Mayor and City council are visionaries with some things, but you can also say they have neglected to act on other other obvious items that need addressed.
The root cause of the 5% tax failing and all of this 'blog bitching' is lack of trust!
When this blog first started, we were required to include our names on posts because it was set up that way. In an attempt to make it more user-friendly and accessible, the blog administrator chose to allow anonymous posts. It's sad to see the blog lose the positive spirit it once enjoyed. Maybe it's time to reconsider the original intent of this site, which wasn't to bash the town or the volunteers or leaders who work so tirelessly to keep Marcus alive. I would rather see the site put to rest than let it become a hiding spot for people to take pot shots from.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Julie! Or simply delete any anonymous post. Make it like a letter to the editor, your post won't be allowed unless you sign your name.
ReplyDeleteKurt Dorr
Thanks, Julie and Kurt, I have been thinking the same thing about all the comments that have been written on the blog this month. They haven't solved any of the problems and have probably created more problems and hard feelings. Remember, when you express your feelings about a subject, please say it nicely, and sign your name.
ReplyDeleteHow was the pet show, Jamie? And who won?
ReplyDeleteIf this site goes for deleting anonymous post that is discrimnation.(everyone should and needs to be heard with or with out signing a name) Anonymous is away of putting something out there for others to read and see. I can see people getting even for a post, and it will happen.
ReplyDeleteYou have to take the good with the bad even if you don't like it. There are things going on with the city of Marcus that are not liked. Things being done under the table or in special meetings when others can not attend. We as the people of Marcus and who don't live in Marcus have to hold the elected officers accountable. Don't we?
We all need to remember that there is 2 sides to a sotry!
Posters need to be held accountable too. If you don't have the facts to back up your claims you shouldn't post, especially anonymously IMO.
ReplyDeleteIf you have a good case, then make it and have the courage of your convictions to sign your name.
Kurt Dorr
When you cast your vote for a political person it's anonymous.
ReplyDeleteWhen you make your decision as a jurist it's anonymous.
It's the proper way to give the most honest and truthful view of things without repercussions.
Without the ability to keep you identity to yourself the dark side would never be visible.
It's part of the freedoms we inherited from our founding fathers.
Thank you.
I hardly think you can equate a blog with the voting booth or jury duty.
ReplyDeleteKurt Dorr
Small town... Small minds.
ReplyDeleteQuit bitching, be the solution, not the problem.
If you don't like it, change it.
Look in the mirror.
I'm sick of these cryptic messages & rants. If you think someone is lying, tell us what specifically are they lying about. Actually, grow a pair & go to the source! Put it out there. Lay it on the line. Quit beating around the bush. If you want to stay anonymous, then find something positive to say.
What if this blog was used for "good news." If we want bad news, we can read the papers.
We have an incredible opportunity with this blog to be kind to each other.
Who did something nice for you? What have you done for someone else lately? What is your greatest achievement? What do you love? What if we had a monthly theme? Or a philosophical question to be answered? Let's change the tone of this. I think the reason there are so many anonymous posts is because living in such a small town & everyone knowing everybody else, people not only do not want to be held accountable, but they are afraid someone will dislike them. As far as my anonymous, get over it. Let's quit nit-picking & try a little kindness.
You hold your elected officials accountable with your vote.
ReplyDeleteJurors sit in a court of law eye to eye with the accused.
All this "behind closed doors" stuff that you are accusing others of doing is exactly what you are doing.
Open the doors, communicate, stop churning the waters with rumor and innuendo.
Look around -- almost every town and city in America is going through tough times right now. We've just experienced one of the roughest economic periods since the Great Depression.
It would be sad to see this site turn into a place to hang dirty laundry. Marcus doesn't deserve that. No one does.
By the way, the founding fathers (and mothers) stepped up to the plate. That's why we know who to thank.
Like it. Let's do it.
ReplyDeleteWho did something nice for you?
Tell us ...
Well, I came out of Sam's Club with a full cart (too full, like always). I put everything in the back of my vehicle and started to back out of the parking lot. A man came running up to my car, waving the new Barbra Streisand CD that I had just treated myself to. "Thought you'd want this," he said. Simple as that. Makes me smile every time I listen to Barbra's old love songs. And that's enough.
What about you? ...
it is easy for you that don't live in Marcus to say those things in past post. I remember certian people on here complainning about the Marcus News and the way they reported things. I never heard any of you aplogises for your comments about the Marcus News.
ReplyDeleteI have given over 25 years of service to the community of Marcus. I do what I can to make Marcus a better place to grow!
" I am only one, but I am one"
What is the big deal about putting a name to your post or not. I don't need to put my name to everything to make sure my name is not forgotten.
Oh by the way Kurt I did not look at your sites you put on the blog and you said I would.
ReplyDeleteenjoy reading your comments
Thanks Jeff! Didn't know you were out there reading the blog! Where are you these days if you don't mind my asking?
ReplyDeleteKurt Dorr
Jeff that brings back tons of great old memories. How is your wonderful mother doing and note your sister Julie still has the prettiest smile in Marcus. She is always so kind.........just like your mom!!!!
ReplyDeleteJeff, as you are well aware of it was a toss up between your mom and Helen Nelson as to who spoiled us kids rotten with their wonderful baking on those cold winter Saturday I loved your moms' carmel and cinnamon or was it "SINAMON" rolls? They were always tasty and your mom was the kindest lady to us terrors of the hood!!!!!
Use to love breaking into the Holy Name Gym with all of you older guys and playing basketball and such........brings back some great memories. Between you, Johnny Ladenthin, and Brian Gates you guys could light it up on the basketball court. Those were some fun times.
Trust all is well with you and your family and greet your mom for me!
Philip M. Dorr
Speaking of Jeff Brady that should open up the blog to some other great stories about the super fast- pitch Marcus softball teams that Marcus has had over the years.
ReplyDeleteForgive me if I have overlooked anyone but between Jeff's older brother (believe it was Bob Brady) and Larry Slagter it was amazing to see two of the best fast-pitch softball players in the area do their thing. Man these guys were gifted.......
If anyone wants to elaborate on this subject I would love to read the posts!
Philip M. Dorr
I would also love to hear about the stories from fastpitch players of old!
ReplyDeleteIt was such a great game to play and it's sad to see it has died in northwest Iowa.
There is a great collection of stories and articles in a fastpitch related book at the Historical museum that my dad and aunt worked many hours on getting put together.
-Ben Nelson
ReplyDeleteI am confused...are you Brian's son or grandson? Either way Brian was a great player in the day as well and I miss watching him, Steve Specht and the gang play but Bob Brady and Larry Slagter will always be the ones that I will remember the most as when I was a little kid it was amazing to watch those guys pitch. If there were two better pitchers in the Tri-State region I would have loved to seen them pitch!
I hated it when these guys quit playing for the Marcus teams.....and now that I think of it wasn't Steve Hagey or Grant Hagey pretty gifted as well when it came to pitching?
Philip M. Dorr
ReplyDeleteI am Brian's youngest son.
Steve Specht might possibly be the best 3rd baseman I've ever seen play the game. He played every aspect of the game well, from fielding a bunt to laying one down and legging it out for a base hit!
I've heard many a story on Bob Brady and his pitching feats!
I don't even want to venture a guess as to how many hours I spent watching the games, playing 'pickle' at the playground, and running down foul balls.
How do you play "pickle?"
ReplyDeleteBob Brady was amazing but Larry Slagter was just as spectacular in my eyes.......and then Gary Bork wasn't toooo bad of a thrower in his day either. Marcus definitely had some amazing pitchers in the day that is for sure and didn't even Brian pitch if memory serves me correctly but that was mainly after I had left the area thus I don't know much about that era of Marcus fast pitch other than what I heard over the years about Steve Specht.
Philip M. Dorr
among those that played fast pitch another pitcher Marcus had was Jim Nielsen. He threw a few in his day.
ReplyDeleteI definitely remember watching Gary throw a lot of games. They had some really good teams when I was young.
It seemed like they we were always hitting the road to Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, and I even remember the went to Fargo, ND one time. Of course there were always the trips to the 'big city' of Sioux City. It's strange to me that they considered that a big weekend playing in Sioux City, because when I started playing we drove to Sioux City every week just to play league games. I never got to experience true town ball as the players generations before me did.
To anonymous: I looked up a definition of pickle. It's also known as hotbox.
Split the group into two groups and then place them about 30-40 feet apart facing each other. Then pick two people to stand with them. These two people have a ball that they toss back and forth. The others on the team try to get from side to side without being tagged. They then keep tabs of how many times they have spanned the distance and call the number out each time they make it.
Ohhhh, fast pitch softball! Most memories of my childhood involve softball games at the park in Marcus, Hubbard Field in Sioux City, and of course, the tournaments in Des Moines. It saddens me that the Marcus Merchants are no longer, because those days and nights at the ball field were some of the best ever.
ReplyDeleteAmber (Hanson) Booth
does anyone remember the time I think is was a carver that streaked across a ball game in Marcus?
ReplyDeleteI sort of remember the streak. It was in the 70's as I recall.
ReplyDeleteKurt Dorr
What great memories from the children of Marcus fast pitch players! I wonder if their parents even knew that these memories of summer nights would be so meaningful to them. On quiet summer nights you could hear those balls being hit from several streets away.
ReplyDeleteThat's why a baserunner who gets caught between bases in a rundown, when trying to steal, is referred to being in a 'pickle'.
ReplyDeleteI always knew it as that but didn't know there was an actual game that the name came from. Thanks, now I know.
Ann G Dorr
Ben and Jeff along with anyone else....I know this could become controversial but how about let's rank the top fastpitch softball players from top to bottom? I am curious what people think thus the suggestion.......not intending to cause controversy or hurt anyone's feelings.
ReplyDeleteBetter would be fun to round these guys up and have them ride in the Marcus parade. A community way to recognize them for their great talents as well as give them our thanks for all of the great memories they provided all of us as kids while growing up in Marcus!
Julie, you are dead on re the sounds of softball at the park on a summer night. I also remember the smells of Ab Smith and his concession stand goodies! Nothing better than a Mountain Dew and a 10-cent bag of popcorn watching Larry Slagter pitch as a kid!
Jeff, I vaguely remember Jim Nielsen pitching so forgive me for overlooking the obvious and weren't you and Brian Nelson pretty talented as well from what I recall at pitching? Where is brother Bob btw and make sure you let him know about this blog.....
My favorite memories as a kid growing up were fastpitch softball, watching Gary Sanow run track, and being part of Brian Hogue's great swimteam program.....boy could Bucky Tentinger, Bob Haines, "Rick, Mel,Kim Lenox," and Dicky Bork dive off of that high diving board.
Philip M. Dorr
I meant rank the top fastpitch PITCHERS and not the whole team of players!
ReplyDeletePhilip M. Dorr
I want to thank the Marcus News for putting all the Marcus for Progress articles in the paper. What a great service to the community.
ReplyDeleteVangie Cowen
Marcus for Progress Director
Does anyone remember the ladies that had a softball team? Cokkie Lusier was a pitcher and I think Judy Gravenish played. Can anyone remember any other ladies that played?
ReplyDeleteOr does anyone remember the time I think it was Dave Nixon wanted to ride with Shelia Brwonmiller in the poder puff derby?
Or who was the girl that got her foot run over when the derby was held up in the upper part of the park by the calttle barns?
This was years ago!!!
Question of the week:
ReplyDeleteIf you could thank one Marcus person (or the town of Marcus) for one thing, what would it be and why? This is your chance to speak up anonymously...
Thank the town or Marcus (for what) what a laugh!
ReplyDeleteAlot of individauls yeah!!! All those that make Marcus a better place. Jaycees, Marc-Ettes,
Lions, Fair Board, Church groups.
"Where is your name?"
Couldn't agree more, all the city has done for me since Loren Stowater was mayor is cost me more money...
ReplyDeleteThe citizens of Marcus and all it's fabulous volunteers can't be beat!
Someone seems to be a bit confused when it comes to definitions. The town of Marcus IS the individual citizens who do all of the things it takes for a town to survive. It takes the mayor, the council, the various boards, the churches, the school and all of the other organizations working together. Thanking any or all of those involved is a great idea. Looking back on my favorite small town and deciding where to begin with my expressions of gratitude is a challenge. However, it is still a challenge that gives me no cause for anonymity. I still haven't figured out why that is such an issue for some individuals.
ReplyDeleteMargaret Dorr
I am not confused! The town of Marcus is the council and mayor. The people who run things.
ReplyDeleteThe individuals make up the community of Marcus and we have some great peoplein Marcus.
Yes, what is the big deal if you put your name on your post or not?
Again some people don't need or want their names out and that is fine with me. So should they be treated differently because they don't think the same way you do?
Well, for me, the town of Marcus is a place filled with special people.
ReplyDeleteIt is a place that gave me a safe home to grow up in and a place that gave me an identity and pride.
It is a place where I learned what was important and what I could do without if I had to.
It is a place where I received an excellent education and a place where I learned right from wrong.
It is a place that helped me grow up and a place that allowed me to make mistakes and try again.
Marcus is a place, like any place, unlike any place. It struggles, it grows, it changes, it goes on generation after generation.
It is a place that gave me roots. And I, for one, am thankful for that.
Well said Julia.
ReplyDeleteKyle Drefke
Nicely said Julie but Marcus is a place. I feel your parents had alot more to do with what you wrote about the Marcus did.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are right, they did. I learned to love Marcus from my father and mother, who -- like the other hard-working farm families I knew best -- volunteered for almost every civic, religious and educational endeavor the town needed to thrive. They found time for all their kids' activities and they were there to give more when asked. Rarely did I hear them complain about any of it. It's a generation that knew difficult times -- far more extreme than any we could imagine. If only our generation could take away some of that strength, we would be better for it.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you. I hope you can resolve your issues with "the town." But if you think Marcus is doing something wrong or under the table, look around. Unemployment in my area of the country is at 14 percent. Many people I know are working at reduced hours or are laid off. Many public school students pay to play on school sports teams. They pay to ride school buses to school and other events. Our town services are threadbare. If you think Marcus is alone in all this, wake up. Instead of complaining, find out what you can do to to help.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Exactly right Julie!
ReplyDeletewith a sagging economy and not knowing what the future holds, the town officials should be spending less and thus easing the tax burden on it's citizens.
Maybe there should be two blogs.
ReplyDeleteOne blog for people who grew up in Marcus and fondly recall memories of their childhood.
Another blog for people who currently live in Marcus and may not "wear the same kind of glasses" when viewing the community.
Everyone brings their own history and experience to this present moment. Thus, the diverse opinions about the "value or lack thereof" of the community of Marcus.
Each are valid.
Maybe in the long run, it serves a good purpose for those who are unhappy to have an outlet to vent their feelings.
If those of us who no longer live in Marcus don't want to know their reality of life in "our" small town, we don't have to read it.
Both needs are valid.
And yet, perhaps, both needs are being met by this blog.
Long may it continue. . .
Ann G Dorr
Maybe those who have an issue with the way the town is being run and the vision that the town leaders have for the town ought to go down to city hall and file papers to run for the city council as well as before they go off and disparage the hard work of the current council members and mayor they ought to go review the city financial statements/budget since it is all public information.
ReplyDeleteIt just gets real old when people want to throw people under the bus that they feel are doing them wrong when they usually don't even know what is going on from a big picture perspective!
Thank goodness we have dedicated/committed people that want to serve in leadership roles for our great community.
Kaitlin Meister signs with Briar Cliff
ReplyDeleteThought I'd share this cool little story I found on the web about Marcus native Brett Meister's daughter signing with Briar Cliff! Congrats to her and her parents! I just hope she can handle the Iowa winters because she can obviously handle a basketball!!
I understand that Mark Roethler passed away in Florida.
ReplyDeleteWe were not put on this earth to judge. I think we need more volunteers to step up and take responsibility to lead the community forward. But it’s easier to sit back and complain about others than do something about it ourselves. (That’s right I included myself) But you will see me applauding those who serve our community often thanklessly and without even being noticed, rather to dish them on not doing something the way I would have wanted it done.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who feels another person or persons are not doing what they should be has a right to disagree with them. And if you feel strongly enough after discussing it with the individuals involved, doing something about it. But first off take it to the source and see if it wasn't something that was possibly overlooked. We all make mistakes and if these elected officials are making mistakes after mistakes then we have a duty to not re-elect them. I know last time I voted I didn't see too many choices for most of these thankless positions. Anyone that has 30-40 hours a month free to spend bettering the community and seeing put that every single detail gets tended to add your name to the next ballot. I’m sure those who are serving and doing there best only to be ridiculed will gladly welcome new members who have different opinions. Just be prepared, because just as you are treating these individuals others will then be saying and typing the same comments about you and your decisions. There is no way to make everyone in Marcus 100% happy.
Is there going to be a December thread?
ReplyDeleteKurt Dorr
Beautifully stated, Ron! Thank you for setting the right tone for neighborly, community-minded, comments appropriate for this Advent Season. May all of you in the proud town of Marcus count your blessings and enjoy them as long as the Good Lord grants you the privilege!
ReplyDeleteMargaret Dorr